• Concerns remain about drilling project • Nature has rights, too • Things are out of control • Looking for two local young women and a British woman • Concerns remain about drilling project How costly is the Board of
• Concerns remain about drilling project • Nature has rights, too • Things are out of control • Looking for two local young women and a British woman •
Concerns remain about drilling project
How costly is the Board of Water Supply/ Department of Water economic feasibility study on their proposal for a high-elevation drilling project into sacred watershed/headwaters of revered Waialeale?
Why isn’t there any type of water conservation policy within the Department of Water? Truly, if drinking water is a precedence; an inexpensive solution: EPA’s Clean Water and Drinking Water Infrastructure Sustainability Policy on the EPA website: http://water.epa.gov/aboutow/upload/Sustainability-Policy.pdf
There, the EPA offers alternatives and guidance to local governments, considers climate change impacts, “… technical, financial, and managerial capacity necessary to ensure long-term sustainability …” for drinking water.
The Department of Water’s $80 million plus Environmental Impact Study drilling project, sacrilegious to Waialeale watershed, surely has “other” agendas besides drinking water.
It’s well known that biomass requires plenty of water.
Conceivably, the article entitled, “Kauai biomass plant receives $72 million in financing,” by TGI (10/12/12) could be the key to the hush-hush elitist agenda, as the article stated that construction (was) scheduled to begin early 2013, that Green Energy’s 6.7 – megawatt biomass-to-energy plant at Knudsen Gap expects to be operational by 2014.
Revered headwaters of Waialeale watershed are not a “monopoly game” to be brokered to elite power-brokers.
Bonnie Bator
Nature has rights, too
Thursday a friend forwarded me a well-written statement petitioning the U.S. Fish & Wildlife and the State of Hawaii: Protect Kauai’s Fragile Ecosystem.
Here is a link to the site:
I signed the petition and added this note:
The Public Trust Doctrine in various states has expanded from protecting rivers and navigable waterways to encompassing “the preservation of the lands in their natural state for scientific study, as open space and as wildlife habitat.”
Soon we hopefully will become as enlightened as Ecuador and codify the “Rights of Nature,” which recognizes the inalienable rights of ecosystems to exist and flourish, giving the people the authority to petition on behalf of ecosystems, and requiring the government to remedy violations of these rights. The rights approach is a break away from traditional environmental regulatory systems, which regard nature as property and legalize and manage degradation of the environment rather than prevent it.
Please — act to protect and preserve our soil, our waters, our air, our farms and forests, our people, our future. Please.
Susan Oakley
Things are out of control
Since Hooser and Bynum want to take over state and federal regulatory powers, I think we should go even further than farms.
Jets make noise. The county should take control of our airspace and decide where every jet flies!
The soon-to-be- unemployed farmers can be air traffic controllers! Kauai is Ground Zero for jet noise!
State taxes are a burden on Kauai citizens. Repeal them on Kauai but we still get state funds because we say so!
I am concerned about what people on Kauai are saying in their emails. What are they hiding? If they have nothing to hide, they’ll make all their emails public. Since they won’t, let’s take control of the Internet on Kauai! We have the right to know! What, you don’t believe we have the right to know?
Who’s paying you?
I also believe some people on the North Shore are not showering often enough, spreading germs that kill children. We need to mandate daily showers, but only for North Shore residents who eat organic food, because doctors say they have the most germs due to the cow dung and insects on their food. An MMA fighter has shown the science! And an Oahu chick in a bikini says it’s only right!
Let’s have a parade, agree to pay for it, then renege on the agreement to stiff the taxpayers!
It’s common sense! Now is the time! Leave a legacy for the future! Save the children! Pass the bills! Activism! Bring on the Mainland money!
Chuck Lasker
Looking for two local young women and a British woman
This last Sunday a wonderful Kauai couple, friends of mine, were getting wet at Moloaa Beach, and suddenly they were grabbed off their feet by the infamous Moloa’a rip and were pulled out into deep water, waves breaking over their heads.
They knew not to fight the rip but still they were gulping water, going under and struggling to come back up, and very quickly they were looking at our maker face to face.
A resident named Abe, a strong swimmer, went out to them, and although he was able to stabilize the wife for a bit, soon he too was in serious trouble. Next, two young local women appeared from out of nowhere, somewhere, with a yellow rescue tube and got to the husband and he threw his arms over the tube and started to realize he was going to live. Moments later, a British woman (a visitor we assume) had the second rescue tube in Abe’s and the wife’s arms.
All six got their composure and slowly made their way back to shore, suffering some scrapes and abrasions from the reef.
My two friends were too shook up and exhausted to thank the two young local women or the British woman.
We assume the British woman is off-island by now. If, however, any of you read this and know who you are, please contact the Garden Island and they will give you my contact information. You need to know that you are life savers of the first order. You need to be celebrated. You saved my friends from dying and you saved us all from despair.
Many officials are studying this year’s “tough numbers,” and all efforts are being made to figure out how to make Kauai safer. Our numbers would be a lot worse were it not for our remarkable citizens, who malama each other. I am humbled by your courage and your brilliance.
Monty Downs, M.D.
President, Kauai Lifeguard Association