PEARL HARBOR — Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific and NAVFAC Hawai‘i small business program advisors held its Hawai‘i Veterans Small Business Forum and Expo on March 28 at the Hale Koa Hotel in Honolulu. Dozens of U.S. military veterans and
PEARL HARBOR — Naval Facilities Engineering Command Pacific and NAVFAC Hawai‘i small business program advisors held its Hawai‘i Veterans Small Business Forum and Expo on March 28 at the Hale Koa Hotel in Honolulu.
Dozens of U.S. military veterans and small business owners were present, according to Jennifer McGuire, NAVFAC Pacific deputy for small business programs. They networked with small business advisors and industry to learn about services and products available through the veteran community to support the military’s mission in the Pacific.
“We are committed to providing assistance and training to veteran-owned small businesses (VOSB) and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses (SDVOSB) in the local community,” McGuire states in a news release. “The workshops offered a solid foundation of resources to help veteran-owned organizations understand how to do business with the federal government.”
The event featured presenters from various veteran-owned small businesses, prime contractors, SDVOSB, and participants from the private sector, state and federal agencies.
“These events are a valuable part of our overall outreach efforts,” said Lisa Roth, NAVFAC Hawai‘i assistant deputy for small business programs. “I have found that participating in these types of events is one of the most effective ways for us to communicate with the business community.”
Enterprise-wide, NAVFAC has seen a steady increase in SDVOSB participation rate in prime and subcontract actions, and continues to seek qualified SDVOSB participation in procurement actions.