LIHU‘E — Hanama‘ulu post office box customers who lost service because of a Dec. 14 fire that destroyed the Hanama‘ulu Trading Company building are asked to pick up their mail over the counter at the Lihu‘e Post Office on Rice
LIHU‘E — Hanama‘ulu post office box customers who lost service because of a Dec. 14 fire that destroyed the Hanama‘ulu Trading Company building are asked to pick up their mail over the counter at the Lihu‘e Post Office on Rice Street.
“In the coming weeks, we will be installing special P.O. boxes at the Lihu‘e Post Office to serve as mail receptacles for our Hanama‘ulu P.O. box customers,” said Duke Gonzales, corporate communications specialist for the U.S. Postal Service in Honolulu.
Customers who believe that they had letters, cards or parcels in the Hanama‘ulu postal facility at the time of the fire should contact the senders of that mail to request replacements, Gonzales added.
With the Hanama‘ulu Post Office fire, the Lihu‘e Post Office at 4441 Rice St. is currently the only full-service station open for the 96766 ZIP code.