PUHI — Despite the cold wind punctuated with passing showers, people turned out in force for the Grove Farm Community Swap Meet at the Puhi Park located behind the Kaua‘i Harley-Davidson. “This is one of our bigger swap meets,” said
PUHI — Despite the cold wind punctuated with passing showers, people turned out in force for the Grove Farm Community Swap Meet at the Puhi Park located behind the Kaua‘i Harley-Davidson.
“This is one of our bigger swap meets,” said Marissa Sandblom, the Grove Farm vice president who coordinated Saturday’s event. “We’ve had more than 60 people sign up and everyone turned out. I’m supposed to be selling stuff, but we’re just as busy picking up new stuff.”
Sandblom said this was the last swap meet for this calendar year.
One of the new features for the event was the two free public workouts led by representatives of Crossfit HI, a group fitness, “bootcamp-style” program for people of any level.
“They’re talking with Mike Tresler about trying to open a place in Puhi,” Sandblom said.
More than a handful of shoppers overflowed from the Senior Food and Craft Fair which opened at the Kaua‘i War Memorial Convention Hall, seeking out bargains to supplement the purchases made at the seniors event.
Arthur Brun, a regular Grove Farm vendor, said he was at the swap meet for a couple of hours before adjourning to Vidinha Stadium where he was scheduled to announce the Pop Warner Regional Championship game between the Hanapepe Colts Junior Peewee team and the Mano‘a Paniolo JPW team.
Karin Panui of Mailelani’s said she took a break from her normal hand-sewn items.
“I’ve got my sister selling at the Princeville craft fair,” Panui said. “Today, my daughter went through her kids’ stuff and this is housecleaning.”
Edwin Vea, normally accompanying Panui on her selling jaunts, said business was pretty brisk, everything selling well.
“We’ll be at the Kaua‘i Handworks Fair this Saturday,” Vea said. “Today, we only have Karin’s kids stuff. We started with a whole bunch and now, we’re down to just three bags left.”
The Kaua‘i Handworks craft fair will open 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., Saturday at the Elsie Wilcox Elementary School cafeteria, located at 4319 Hardy St. in Lihu‘e.