• Po‘ipu has lost its heart and soul • Money wasted by duplication • Contact reps about Act 55 • Praise for Myles • My vote is for Obama • D’Souza is hypocritical Po‘ipu has lost its heart and soul
• Po‘ipu has lost its heart and soul • Money wasted by duplication • Contact reps about Act 55 • Praise for Myles • My vote is for Obama • D’Souza is hypocritical
Po‘ipu has lost its heart and soul
I don’t believe that there is any doubt that Myles Emura is a seasoned, extremely skilled lifeguard. I cannot imagine anyone that I would rather be reliant on in a crisis situation. He is incredibly fit, and I think only the turtles may know the ocean as well as he does.
I am just sorry that his honesty, under oath, has put him in the precarious position that he is in.
Management should have removed those two supervisors for their violations of the county’s policies instead to treating Myles in the manner that they did.
It makes me sad to know that possibly other visitors will never learn the wonderful things about Kaua‘i and the respect for ocean that our family has learned from him over the years. I pray that this situation is resolved quickly and that Myles returns to Po‘ipu Beach, where he belongs.
Maggie LeDoux
Santa Clara, Calif.
Money wasted by duplication
Having been a state highway inspector for 36 years, I was part of building the bike route that still parallels a good part of our highways.
I found it interesting that Mr. Thomas Noyes, who has been one of the strongest proponents of the $120 million proposed multi-use path from Nawiliwili to Anahola, once called a bike path to be used as our Department of Transportation for “recognizing that each year more bicycles are using our ROADWAYS (emphasis added) and deserve to be accommodated as valid and efficient means of transportation.”
For 10 years I have protested the building of this multi-use path since not only wasn’t the existing route ever used enough by bikers to keep it maintained, but the path that we at D.O.T. built from Pono Kai to Otsukas was seldom used, still there but buried under sand and weeds.
Thus, where is the justification to spend millions of tax dollars on project that duplicates two that were failures in the past?
Since Mr. Noyes uses the existing highway lanes for his biking events (not the 6.8-mile multi-use path) why didn’t he and other path proponents use federal and local funds to expand or make safer our existing lanes — a far cheaper choice than the amount being spent on the multi-use path? And remember that 95 percent or more of our citizens will use their vehicles for travel so let’s use our time, money and resources to build alternate roads and not routes or paths that will seldom be used.
Joe Rosa
Contact reps about Act 55
The top Google response for DLNR is the website for that agency, which is defined as the agency dedicated to preserving Hawai‘i’s natural and historical resources for the benefit of future generations. After viewing a 2009 video of then-former Rep. Abercrombie addressing the U.S. House Resources Committee, at youtube.com/watch?v=1gs-pKQHP7I, I encourage Kaua‘i residents to communicate our distress at what smacks of a land grab to our elected officials of the State Legislature.
We can plead that our current Senator and Representatives properly fund the DLNR so that agency doesn’t have to resort to the shenanigans allowed in Act 55.
• Sen. Ronald Kouchi represents District 7 Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau; his email is senkouchi@capitol.hawaii.gov
• Rep. Derek Kawakami represents District 14 Hanalei, Princeville, Kilauea, Anahola, Kapa‘a, Wailua; his email is repkawakami@capitol.hawaii.gov
• Rep. James Tokioka represents District 15 Lihu‘e, Koloa; his email is reptokioka@capitol.hawaii.gov
• Rep. Dee Morikawa represents District 16, Ni‘ihau, Lehua, Koloa, Waimea; her email is repmorikawa@capitol.hawaii.gov
• We can also email ALL State Senators at sens@capitol.hawaii.gov and ALL State Representatives at reps@capitol.hawaii.gov
I did, and my email read: Aloha, Dear State Senators. This is an urgent pleading to repeal Act 55 and properly fund the DLNR so that the ‘AINA considered sacred by so many is not plundered for the profit of so few. Please support the agency dedicated to preserving Hawai‘i’s natural and historical resources for the benefit of future generations. Mahalo nui loa. Respectfully, …. and sent the same email to the State Representatives.
Susan Oakley
Praise for Myles
I write this letter on behalf of Myles Emura, one of the kindest, most thoughtful and generous individuals I have ever known.
To his recent detriment, he also acts with incredible honesty, integrity and holds himself to a high moral code. He suffers now because he felt being honest was more important than playing any political game.
To me, the most negative outcome of recent events is that it has taken Myles away from serving and representing the County and island of Kaua‘i better than any other person could. Myles was made for his job and I know loves it more than anything. In fact, my son says that Myles should be on a Kaua‘i flag because of who he is and the spirit and history of the island that he represents. I know that more than anything, he would rather be doing what he loves right now, keeping the public safe and teaching them about the ocean and the island — but because others felt he must pay for his honesty, there is a huge void left by his absence and everyone loses.
I hope that his honesty will be rewarded rather than punished and that he will soon be able to go back to serving the island that he loves. Because of Myles, Kaua‘i, its people, garden and ocean, hold a huge place in my heart and without him on the shore, I don’t see a point in going back.
Deborah Fryman
Culver City, Calif.
My vote is for Obama
While you have ably covered the upcoming election, I feel you should better highlight some important context. Four years ago, America faced its greatest economic crisis in generations. Employment was plummeting, and a second Great Depression appeared possible.
Since taking office, President Obama has worked tirelessly to stabilize the economy and rebuild America’s middle-class. This hasn’t always been easy, but we are moving in the right direction. We now have steady job growth, and recovery is underway.
Now Mitt Romney proposes a return to the Bush-era policies of cutting taxes for millionaires and giving freer reign to Wall Street that led us into this mess. This didn’t work before, and it won’t work now. I urge your readers to vote for Barack Obama.
Andrew Mills
D’Souza is hypocritical
For all of you who think “2016: Obama’s America” was produced by a reputable Republican Christian you “can trust”: What do you think about Dinesh D’Souza — the producer and director of that movie and President of Kings College, a Christian institution in New York — introducing his fiancé to society even though he hasn’t yet told his wife he is getting a divorce? Does it matter to you that his fiancé is also married?
Personally, I don’t care how many women D’Souza is “fooling around” with. But when he holds himself up as some moral soul who is better than me, so he can make moral decisions for me — well, I know BS when I hear it.
If “real Christians” (is there such a thing?) aren’t willing to call this out, what does that say about their theology?
Christian hypocrisy, thy name is Republican.
John Zwiebel