• 2016 Obama’s America • Words can hurt • Politicians abuse taxpayers? 2016 Obama’s America I would like to respond to Mr. Martin’s letter about the fantasy movie, “2016 Obama’s America.” The storyline is very similar to a Paul Ryan
• 2016 Obama’s America • Words can hurt • Politicians abuse taxpayers?
2016 Obama’s America
I would like to respond to Mr. Martin’s letter about the fantasy movie, “2016 Obama’s America.”
The storyline is very similar to a Paul Ryan speech. It omits facts and it invents some.
The producer of the ‘film’ got involved because he found the debt increase ‘terrifying’.
Where was he when the Bush Admin took a balanced budget and over the next 8 years turned it into the worst recession we have seen since the great depression?
Could Obama have done more to help America?
Could America have gone into another Great Depression?
Yes, without a doubt.
All of the banks, lending institutions and many corporations were failing at the end of Bush’s term.
If you do not remember that, you are dishonest.
Which President promised to get Osama bin Laden?
Which President actually got Osama bin Laden?
So watch this ‘infomercial’ if you enjoy fear-mongering, and you are frustrated because the great party of Lincoln has been slowly falling apart.
The only thing this film will do is take your money.
Because if you hate Obama, you will hate him no matter what, as the film rightly says on its cover, “you don’t know him.”
Dennis Chaquette, Keaau
Words can hurt
Who knows Obama best?
If anyone or any group could define Barack Obama. This citizen would think it would be those who work for him. recently The White House defined their boss quite succinctly.
The White House portrayed their boss as: specious – “having a deceptive attraction or allure and a false look on truth or genuineness”; captious – “one calculated to confuse, entrap or entangle in argument, often marked by an often ill natured inclination to stress, faults, and raise objections”; fallacious; “one embodying a fallacy and tending to deceive or mislead”. Having a tendency to: “alter deceptively, to deprive of genuineness, naturalness or simplicity”; approaching “disillusion” making issues complicated, complex.”
Words of undeniable description of a President “leading from the rear” diminishing America’s moral, social, economic values, its international reputation yet most importantly, the opportunities, aspirations and well being of America’s youth.
The White House’s description of Obama is: “the consumptive sophisticated consumer of intelligence.” The above defining of Obama is from The White House. The definition of the word “sophisticated”, as stated above, is from this writer’s trusty “Webster’s New collegiate Dictionary”, Copyright 1981. It’s time for a reality check. Words have meaning and consequences.
John Hoff, Lawai
Politicians abuse taxpayers?
The Republican party seems to have reached an all time low with its disconnect to the American people.
The Republicans main objective is not to repair the budget, or put America back to work or to get out of Afghanistan but rather to make life hard for a President that has a different skin color than most of them.
Willard Romney talks about the 47% that live off some aspect of government assistance, be it Social Security, HUD housing, EBT Food stamps, etc.
Everyone in one way or another is part of the so called “47%.” Who hasn’t used government funded stuff with the likes of the public libraries, public schools, highways, parks, hiking trails, bike paths, calling 911, etc?
I have a question for Mr. Willard Romney. What happens, Governor Romney, if you become President? (God help America if you do.)
You will live in the White House, which is public housing, you will have a White House chef preparing all your meals and you will have secret service men assigned to you even after you are no longer in office. You will fly in Air Force One in lieu of commercial airlines even for family events. All this at taxpayer expenses.
Politicians are the biggest abusers of public taxpaying monies, so next time you hear Governor Romney or his republiCON (sic) associates talk about the other 47%, know they are talking about the biggest leaches of society, Politicians.
James “Kimo” Rosen, Kapa‘a