• Is big money going to control us? • Good grief! • Best soap opera on the planet • Endless Summer book sale Is big money going to control us? Excellent article in TGI business section, “Crude oil prices down,
• Is big money going to control us? • Good grief! • Best soap opera on the planet • Endless Summer book sale
Is big money going to control us?
Excellent article in TGI business section, “Crude oil prices down, gas prices up in May,” by Léo Azambuja.
He certainly gives the facts and numbers showing how nationally the price for gas was $3.71 per gallon in May, down 4.9 percent from the same period last year.
However, he goes on to point out that the average price of regular unleaded gas on Kaua‘i is $4.79 per gallon, or 29 percent higher than Mainland prices!
Thus it would cost a motorist on Kaua‘i $86 to fill up an 18-gallon tank, whereas the same vehicle on the Mainland would cost $66, or $20 more for that tank of gas — ridiculous!
When a barrel of crude oil went from $104 to $83 (Monday), why haven’t we seen a substantial drop in gas prices as has been seen on the Mainland?
And why is the price of gas at Costco $3.99 per gallon (Monday), whereas it is around 80 cents per gallon more at Shell, Chevron, and Union?
We are talking serious differences here and not just pennies.
A number of years ago our Attorney General put in a lot of time and effort to find out why Hawai‘i gas prices were so out of line with Mainland prices. The oil companies played their usual games with their refineries being the cause and a lot of other double talk and today we still sit here at their mercy while we get ripped off.
Isn’t it way past time that we get to the bottom of this scam — that our federal, state or local governments find out what is really going on?
As usual, is big money going to control what our destiny becomes or is there someone on the people’s side that cannot be bought off?
Glenn Mickens, Kapa‘a
Good grief!
In a letter on June 8, the following was written in regards to D-Day observance:
“There was absolutely no newscast mention of it, and our president ignored the anniversary completely because he was doing something more important, namely attending a fundraiser in California.”
This is yet another completely pointless and unnecessary attack on the president, this time masquerading as a call for honoring veterans.
If it isn’t his place of birth, it’s his “madrasa” education, or his brazen attempts to turn the United States into a goose-stepping Socialist state, or his unmitigated gall at playing around with the vice-president and some kids around a swimming pool with water guns.
Now, he doesn’t respect D-Day soldiers.
From what I understand, Mitt Romney didn’t partake in any special D-Day remembrance, either, yet the author of the letter did not see fit to include him in their scorn.
Did anyone reading this newspaper observe D-Day? Mr. Mayor? County Council? Our esteemed island church leaders? Did the author of that letter who is so incredibly disappointed with the president participate in some activity to honor the D-Day fallen? If so, did you do enough? How would you know that you had done enough?
Was D-Day secretly made a National holiday? I’ve never had a single employer make a note of it. Ever. Maybe they’re all Communist agents.
What on Earth was Memorial Day about if it didn’t honor the fallen of all wars? What is Veterans Day about if it doesn’t honor those war veterans who came back home alive?
Good grief!
Michael Mann, Lihu‘e
Best soap opera on the planet
There’s a new soap opera, and it’s not on cable or network TV. It’s not a webcast either.
It’s our own homegrown Kaua‘i soap opera which can be viewed daily via the Letters to Editor online comments section of this newspaper.
People from all over the world log onto The Garden island newspaper to see how the people of Kaua‘i handle their dilemmas. The irony is many of the people who post in the comments don’t even live on Kaua‘i, thus making others believe these are opinions of Kaua‘i people.
There are many soap operas on daytime TV, along with “All My Children,” “As the World Turns,” and “The Young and the Restless.”
I have come up with a couple names name to call this local homespun TGI soap opera. I call it “As the Cosmic Island Turns.”
To catch this daily drama all you need is Internet access.
Remember, visit www.thegardenisland.com for the best soap opera on the planet.
James “Kimo” Rosen, Kapa‘a
Endless Summer book sale
They say it takes a village to raise a child. How about a community with a library?
The Friends of Lihu‘e Library thank the many volunteers who helped us with our recent Endless Summer Book Sale.
We thank all of the friends, families, neighbors and community who literally made this event successful. There’s nothing like working side by side with good people for a worthy cause.
Larry Lee, President of Friends of Lihu‘e Library