• It’s not tradition or culture, it’s air pollution • Medical research takes time, so don’t be a victim • ‘Anywhere in America,’ but maybe not Kaua‘i It’s not tradition or culture, it’s air pollution A Third World backwardness mentality
• It’s not tradition or culture, it’s air pollution • Medical research takes time, so don’t be a victim • ‘Anywhere in America,’ but maybe not Kaua‘i
It’s not tradition or culture, it’s air pollution
A Third World backwardness mentality is alive and strong on Kaua‘i. Wherever I am, work, play or at home, the fires of “I don’t care what’s downwind of me” are raging fiercely.
It shouldn’t be about your freedom, or your tradition or your culture. Not that mentality of “this is the way we’ve done it, so we’re going to continue to do it this way.” It should be about health.
The burning of whatever is air pollution. Do you know what that is? It’s a downgrade of the quality of life and whoever you are, you don’t care.
It’s against the law to burn, but more importantly your mentality, your consciousness should tell you that air pollution isn’t a good thing. Expand that brain, grow up.
This past week there were many accounts of fires throughout the island and in that news article there was a listing of things not to do.
One of those fires was a farming fire, burning green waste, which is unlawful. The article didn’t say anything about not doing unlawful burning. For two months it has been unlawful to burn green waste.
Mark Perry, Lihu‘e
Medical research takes time, so don’t be a victim
The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies radio frequency electromagnet fields as a Group 2B carcinogen which means a “Possible Human Carcinogen.” This seems to a popular thing to downplay these days, particularly in this world full of smart meters, smart appliances, cell phones, WIFI, etc. This is a risky path to go down. Let me explain why.
In 1948, the most respected publications in medicine to this day, the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) stated “More can be said in behalf of smoking as a form of escape from tension than against it … there does not seem to be any preponderance of evidence that would indicate the abolition of the use of tobacco as a substance contrary to the public health.”
In 1949, a commercial was even produced and aired titled “More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette.”
In other words, smoking had been around for 500 years, and though research and medicine had developed with tobacco, it had not even been linked to lung cancer.
In fact, had the IARC come into existence in 1949, tobacco would not have been recognized as belonging to any group of known carcinogens.
In 1957, the first Surgeon General declared there was a link between smoking and lung cancer. SG Leroy E. Burney issued “Joint Report of Study Group on Smoking and Health,” and stated, “It is clear that there is an increasing and consistent body of evidence that excessive cigarette smoking is one of the causative factors in lung cancer.”
This marked the first time a public health service had taken a position on the subject.
By 1992, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) classified ETS (environmental tobacco smoke, a.k.a. secondhand smoke) as a “Group A” carcinogen, the most dangerous class of carcinogen.
The very same, seemingly innocent, substance once thought of as a non-cancer causing substance for almost 500 years was now rated amongst the top causes of cancer, a Group A carcinogen.
Almost 500 years of no health threat to the highest classification of carcinogens known.
Research takes time and classifications often come with statistical analysis which takes years of gathering data from case histories concerning exposure and death.
I remember my history teacher touting how important history was and that in the negative sense “they whom ignore it are doomed to repeat it.”
RF EMF transmissions is the new tobacco of the 21st century. Research for yourself, for your ‘ohana and make informed decisions regarding exposure to this, for now, Group 2B carcinogen.
Do not allow yourselves or your ‘ohana to become statistics.
Christopher Schaefer, Kapa’a
‘Anywhere in America,’ but maybe not Kaua‘i
I cannot remember which author wrote the letter in TGI that he/she was talking to a lady tourist. The lady tourist responds, “I cannot believe that Hawai‘i has everything that we in the Mainland have.”
Not really! Has anyone tried to order items online from our big box stores and/or an advertisement on TV? Then it goes on, “We ship to anywhere in America.” Only to be disappointed when adding to shopping cart and checking out.
The response is, “The item(s) cannot be sent to Hawai‘i (sometimes to include Alaska, Puerto Rico and Guam) or your address.” Are we not part of the United States?
Isn’t this false advertisement? Please, anyone respond. Thank you in advance!
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele