Connie Clausen of American Savings Bank was thrilled when Kathy Peters of Regency at Puakea offered her a piece of pineapple upside down cake on an earthen dish instead of a styrofoam plate or bowl Friday. The zero-waste concept is
Connie Clausen of American Savings Bank was thrilled when Kathy Peters of Regency at Puakea offered her a piece of pineapple upside down cake on an earthen dish instead of a styrofoam plate or bowl Friday.
The zero-waste concept is spreading as Lenore Klass of the Kaua‘i Family and Community Education said FCE started a new initiative at its Saturday meeting, asking its members to bring washable dishes for its lunch.
Hats off to Paul Curtis, the new Kaua‘i Scouting executive, and his committee on a successful Makahiki Saturday!
Calvin Paleka, Merrill Carvalho, Gregg Gonsalves (he’s got a new driver in the house), Bill Arakaki, Tom Shigemoto (congrats on being confirmed as a UH Regent), Jolly Iwata (Jessica had two more HRs Thursday), Kenny Ishii (ask him about Elvis), Matt Takata, and all kinds of dignitaries (Ever see Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. toss a coconut or a paper airplane through a target?) had a whale of a time and still had time to redeem some of their passport coupons.
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@