Registration for the Kaulupono Termite Basketball program is being accepted for children in kindergarten through grade 5. Application forms are available at the Kalaheo and Lihu‘e neighborhood centers. Completed application forms also can be dropped off at the Kalaheo and
Registration for the Kaulupono Termite Basketball program is being accepted for children in kindergarten through grade 5.
Application forms are available at the Kalaheo and Lihu‘e neighborhood centers. Completed application forms also can be dropped off at the Kalaheo and Lihu‘e neighborhood centers.
Age groups for the Kaulupono Termite Basketball are grades 4 and 5 for the Extreme Termites, in grades 2 and 3 for Termites, and kindergarten and grade 1 for the Mighty Mites.
Kaulupono is also asking anyone interested in coaching these aspiring keiki to contact coach Bob at 634-2524.