STOTTS — Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Stotts greeted their first child, a boy, Nor al-Din Makana-Maikalani Ataullah Stotts, weighing 7 pounds 13.7 ounces on October 24, 2011 at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Stotts the former Jessielee Rita. SAIA —
STOTTS — Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Stotts greeted their first child, a boy, Nor al-Din Makana-Maikalani Ataullah Stotts, weighing 7 pounds 13.7 ounces on October 24, 2011 at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Stotts the former Jessielee Rita.
SAIA — Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Saia greeted their third child, a boy, Li’i Kila Saia weighing 6 pounds 4.1 ounces on October 26, 2011 at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital. Mrs. Saia the former Natasha Acosta.
PANCHO-BARBA — Letisha Pancho and Casey Barba greeted their second child, a boy Cayzen George Pancho Barba weighing 7 pounds 0.4 ounces on October 30, 2011 at Kauai Veterans Memorial Hospital.
KRAUSE — Melissa Louis & John Krause greeted their first child, a boy, Eli Nainoa Krause-Louis, weighing 7 pounds 6.4 ounces on October 26, 2011 at Wilcox Memorial Hospital.