“The merciful man does good for his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.” We all need a little mercy and grace now and again. We all find ourselves making mistakes, or maybe we felt
“The merciful man does good for his own soul, but he who is cruel troubles his own flesh.”
We all need a little mercy and grace now and again. We all find ourselves making mistakes, or maybe we felt we really knew something only to find out we were wrong. What a relief it is when someone comes along and helps us instead of scolding us. When they know we’ve blow it and they don’t hang it over our heads, but say those comforting words: Don’t worry about it, I did the same thing. I’ve made the same mistake. Mercy, it’s a great thing. God says a merciful person does good for their own soul. In other words, giving out mercy, being merciful makes your life better; it’s good for you. We are also told that with the same measure we use in dealing with people, it will be measured back to us. So if I am someone who gives mercy, I will receive mercy when I need it. Conversely those who are cruel and show no mercy, only create trouble for themselves; mainly because they are only thinking of themselves. The same spiritual rule applies to them as well. If they are cruel, they are just troubling their own flesh, their own life, because they will be treated cruelly in return. It’s a spiritual principal, just like gravity is a physical one. We need to treat people how we ourselves would like to be treated. When I start to think and walk in this way, I have a lot more love, grace and mercy for others and I become a better person and the person God wants me to be. —