The Sunrise Duplicate Bridge Club plays at 9 a.m. every Thursday (open game) at the Princeville Community Association building. The club welcomes North Shore visitors and part-time vacationers. For playing partners or more information, call Lolita at 826-6805. Both clubs
The Sunrise Duplicate Bridge Club plays at 9 a.m. every Thursday (open game) at the Princeville Community Association building. The club welcomes North Shore visitors and part-time vacationers. For playing partners or more information, call Lolita at 826-6805. Both clubs are sanctioned by the American Contract Bridge League. All listed teams earned ACBL masterpoints.
Results for Thursday’s sanctioned event are: First, RC and Judy Smith; Second, John and Judy McCaffrey.
The Sunset Duplicate Bridge Club plays at 1 p.m. each Saturday (open game) at the Princeville Community Association building.
Results for Saturday’s sanctioned event are: First, Susan Worth and Pat Berg; Second, Lenda Helser and Marjorie Gifford.
There will be no game Oct. 29 due to the conflict with the District Finals of the North American Pairs in Honolulu.
The Poalua and North Shore bridge clubs play every Thursday at Sun Village behind Wilcox Memorial Hospital at 9 a.m. Players are encouraged to arrive by 8:45 a.m. to get signed in. This is the oldest bridge club on island and visitors are always welcome to play.
For more information or to find a partner, call Jane at 826-9753 or Betty at 245-1994.
Results for Thursday’s game are: First, Pat Burgess and Loukas Fytros; Second, Doug McCalla and Howard David.
Members of Ka Haku o Hawai‘i Bridge Club play at 9 a.m. every Monday at the Princeville Community Building.
Results for the Oct. 17 game are: First, Jane Nearing Go; Second, Lisa Derock.
Contact Jane Nearing Go for partnerships or information at 826-9753.