A stream of people filled the one-way alley fronting Alley Kat Art during this month’s Old Kapa’a Town Art Walk on Sept. 3. The crowd was celebrating the opening of “Bow Wow Meow: Art Fundraiser for the Kaua‘i Humane Society.”
A stream of people filled the one-way alley fronting Alley Kat Art during this month’s Old Kapa’a Town Art Walk on Sept. 3. The crowd was celebrating the opening of “Bow Wow Meow: Art Fundraiser for the Kaua‘i Humane Society.” Guests enjoyed live music provided by Lee Richardson and Kevin Whetley and fire dancing by the Fire Kitties.
Down the road at a.ell design, the crew of Purple Inc. was celebrating the launch of their autumn issue with music by the Broom Dusters.
Like every other Saturday art walk, artists lined the streets displaying their work, musicians performed on sidewalks and businesses stayed open late.