Lorna Santos said the Lawai Cannery Garage Sale, this time benefiting the Kilohana Canoe Club, is Sunday from 9 a.m. She said the next one is in July to benefit the Kaua‘i Special Olympics, and Marissa Sandblom said the Grove
Lorna Santos said the Lawai Cannery Garage Sale, this time benefiting the Kilohana Canoe Club, is Sunday from 9 a.m.
She said the next one is in July to benefit the Kaua‘i Special Olympics, and Marissa Sandblom said the Grove Farm Swap Meet is coming up (Arthur Brun already signed up), too.
Kudos to Scott Ashworth and the Kaua‘i Lagoons Golf Club crew on getting the course (even got to learn about “Ahukini Granite”) in great shape for the U.S. Open Qualifier, Wednesday.
It was great to watch our golf coaches in action, and congratulations to Ben Fox on taking the qualifier.
Mahalo, Mary Bea Porter-King, for the “extra” pairings sheet, and was nice chatting with Carol Pratt (she’s on the course, Sunday in Po‘ipu with the U.S. Women’s Open). Mary Bea said Lauren Yama is home, but she must have been busy prepping for this weekend’s Public Links and the U.S. Women’s Open tournaments.
If you have time, check out Chief Buddy Gilbert, Larry Richardson and the Sea Scouts and the USCG Auxiliary at the Nawiliwili Small Boat Harbor for the Kaua‘i Safe Boating Day event.
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@ thegardenisland.com.
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