Waiawa hydroelectric plant has been providing Kaua‘i with a steady stream of clean energy since 1908. During the era of sugar farming, the 0.5-megawatt, run-of-the-river, single-turbine hydro facility powered south-side farming communities, including Waimea and the Historic Waimea Theater. More
Waiawa hydroelectric plant has been providing Kaua‘i with a steady stream of clean energy since 1908. During the era of sugar farming, the 0.5-megawatt, run-of-the-river, single-turbine hydro facility powered south-side farming communities, including Waimea and the Historic Waimea Theater. More than 100 years later, the plant, owned by State Agribusiness Development Corporation, is delivering its energy to the grid of Kauai Island Utility Cooperative. To find out about future hydroelectric projects being proposed by KIUC, catch one of its first quarterly public meetings starting today at Waimea Theater, Tuesday at the War Memorial Convention Hall and Wednesday at Kilauea School cafeteria. All meetings will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. A representative from KIUC’s hydroelectric energy developer Free Flow Power will be on hand to answer questions.