Hats off to Mel Rapozo, Paul Pancho and all those hard-working Kaua‘i Pop Warner Football League leaders on great bowl games over the past two weekends! Ron Mizutani (you get to see him on KHON2 news) had an opportunity to
Hats off to Mel Rapozo, Paul Pancho and all those hard-working Kaua‘i Pop Warner Football League leaders on great bowl games over the past two weekends!
Ron Mizutani (you get to see him on KHON2 news) had an opportunity to come to Kaua‘i as a football dad this weekend since his son, Tai-Jon, is the signal caller for the Kailua Mustangs (not Kalaheo — where’s the hammer?).
It’s nice to see the officials, coaches and parents interact and talk about a variety of subjects, and Mel was saying the Kailua fan base (there’re a lot of them) were all staying at the Aston Waimea Plantation Cottages.
Kudos to Zack Octavio for always being at the Pop Warner games to make sure the keiki are safe, and the Hanapepe fire station shift even had a chance to stop at Wong’s for lunch after responding to a call.
One of the Nanakuli Junior Midget coaches said his grandson was playing for the Nanakuli Hawks who was playing basketball at the Kapa‘a pre-season basketball tournament, and he got to see the picture in the Saturday TGI.
Hats off to Philip Baclayon, John Kaneholani, Lew Lindsey and the many people who pulled that tournament together!
OK, it’s off to the Kaua‘i Police Commission meeting.
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.com.
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