• Progressive agenda corrupts America • Working together • Freedom to dream Progressive agenda corrupts America In response to David Thorpe’s letter “Why Progress Matters” dated Oct 24: Let me tell you the truth about the Tea Party, Mr. Thorpe,
• Progressive agenda corrupts America • Working together •
Freedom to dream
Progressive agenda corrupts America
In response to David Thorpe’s letter “Why Progress Matters” dated Oct 24: Let me tell you the truth about the Tea Party, Mr. Thorpe, because you couldn’t be more misinformed.
The Tea Party sprang up in response to out-of-control government spending, the fear of an unchecked executive, a legislature that seems to think it’s OK to ram unpopular laws down our throats, and a Judicial branch that doesn’t want to be bothered by our pesky constitution.
Tea Partiers are ex-Democrats, Independents and Republicans who are fed up with massive spending and bureaucratic waste. We are supporting Tea Party candidates whenever possible and are otherwise supporting candidates who share our values and beliefs.
For the most part we want to vote all corrupted incumbents out. Many Tea Partiers were Democrats who woke up and realized that the Democratic Party has been hijacked by extreme left Progressives (like you).
Tea Partiers believe in small government — a government controlled by the people, not people being controlled by the government. We believe in fiscal and personal responsibility and don’t buy into the “entitlements for everyone” philosophy.
We are sick of seeing our hard-earned tax dollars being wasted by a government bureaucracy that knows no limits. We believe in the American Dream — the dream of accomplishment, a dream that comes to fruition with hard work and sacrifice, a dream that is virtually non-existent in most other nations.
One-time Obama supporters and Democrats in general are flocking to the Tea Party as they become aware of this administration’s radical history. The socialist/communist agenda that this administration is forcing on us is beyond the comprehension of most Americans.
People are waking up and pulling their heads out of the sand though. Many people who voted for hope and change did not understand that social justice is a Marxist concept based on the redistribution of wealth and that fundamental transformation means destroying American Society as we know it.
The redistribution of wealth concept is not going to work in your favor you know. Hate to be the bearer of bad news but George Soros and Al Gore aren’t going to give their billions to you or anyone else. It’s your wealth they plan on redistributing!
Hell yes we want to take America back! Not backwards to the 1950s like you suggest, but back (as in away from) the “Progressives” who are trying to “fundamentally transform” it. You want us to progress towards massive government control and we want to regress to less federal involvement.
We fought for the life of our country in this mid-term election and it was more important than ever before that everyone got out and voted.
People who believe in America, and the wisdom of our Founders and our Constitution, cast their votes against any and all progressive Democrats.
Jane Bartram, Kapa‘a
Working together
The Republicans may have gained power through this election.
However, I hope we don’t forget that while they were in office is when our economy went downhill. Lots of our businesses closed across America which affected job losses and foreclosures of homes, etc.
Now the Republicans (who got elected this election) are saying, “we have gained power back. We hope that President Obama will go along with any future changes.”
Hopefully through them (Republicans elected) there won’t be any bullying on President Obama.
Republican or Democrat, remember it is not about either party. It’s about working together for the people in America.
Howard Tolbe, ‘Ele‘ele
Freedom to dream
John King on television used the term “the American Dream” as if there is only one American Dream. The fact is that most all of us have our own dreams and there probably are as many dreams as there are Americans.
The wonderful part of this is that we have the freedom to dream. This is a freedom that we should zealously guard.
It is a sad fact that there are many places in this world where people not only have to watch what they say, but what they think. The wish to be politically correct is one of the deterrents to the realization of your dream. The wish to be accepted by our peers is often stronger than our need for free expression.
Of course free expression should be balanced by our desire not to alienate people by hurting their feelings. In the words of that song “You’ve got to accent the positive, eliminate the negative and don’t mess with Mr. In Between.”
Harry Boranian, Lihu‘e