• Let’s give peace a chance • Mayor is ‘superior leader’ • Bravo to Jung for letter Let’s give peace a chance It’s really great that the Navy has been funding marine-mammal research, and that it is working well with
• Let’s give peace a chance • Mayor is
‘superior leader’ • Bravo to Jung for
Let’s give peace a chance
It’s really great that the Navy has been funding marine-mammal research, and that it is working well with NOAA in monitoring the waters here in the Islands. In reading Tara Leota’s letter to the Forum (“PMRF and cooperative conservation,” Sun., Oct. 3, 2010), it sounds like the ideal thing for the Navy to do with all the funding it receives, besides protecting us against direct attacks, disaster relief and other helpful pursuits toward the common good. A few weeks ago, I read a local story about John Burger, the Navy’s nature guy, and all the wonderful environmental and sustainable things he and the Navy are doing at Barking Sands. I don’t doubt their sincerity.
All the self-promotion and the testimonials about how wonderful the military presence is on Kaua‘i are meant to make us feel good about the biggest elephant in OUR room. No matter how glowing the words are, there is no covering up the fact that America has created a vast worldwide network of about 900 military bases, designed to control the world, its resources and its people. We have many satellites circling the planet, poised to coordinate wars, pre-emptive strikes, occupations and takeovers of perceived enemies and other planets, moons and of space, itself.
Besides being the GMO capital of the Planet Earth, Kaua‘i is now a hair trigger in this spider web of the Death Star we have created. According to Dan Inouye, we are the “hub of the Pacific” military industrial complex. We are a large part of the brain for this grotesque monstrosity. Over half of all our national treasure goes to military contractors, weapons manufacturers, lobbyists, politicians, bankers, etc., for the purposes of killing people, occupying lands and exploiting resources. The official reason for all this madness is that we must protect ourselves and our American exceptionalism from all those evil terrorists out there. And, of course we provide jobs and military careers for our youth.
The latest round of funding for PMRF and the contractor Raytheon Solipsys was brought to our front door by Inouye and Obama and the Empire’s merchants of Death. Solipsys was welcomed as good for the economy by Matilda “Mattie” Yoshioka, managing director of the Kaua‘i Economic Development Board, and blessed by the Rev. Daryl Kua of Koloa Church, as a “true partnership between representatives of county, state and federal governments, as well as the private sector.” How dare they speak for the all of the Peace-loving people. Shame on them and almost all of our elected representatives. They continue to fail us on every front, and only help to enable more Terror, Death, Destruction, Poverty, Hunger and Disease in our world.
The Kaua‘i Alliance for Peace and Social Justice will be staging a sign-holding protest against this latest abomination on Saturday, October 9, 2010, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., adjacent to the Solipsys building (in the old C.S. Wo building) at the corner of Kaumuali‘i Highway and Kalepa Street, Lihu‘e.
We will be protesting in Solidarity with The Global Network Against Weapons and Nuclear Power in Space, The Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom and the International Network for the Abolition of Foreign Military Bases. This week is the International Week of Protest to Stop the Militarization of Space.
Please bring signs of protest, in big bold letters. Let’s Give Peace a Chance.
Fred Dente, Kapa‘a
Mayor is ‘superior leader’
Re: Article Sunday paper on Mayor Carvalho’s endorsement
of Mufi Hannemann (“Mayor defends Hannemann endorsement,” 10/03/10)
There are times in life that you admire a leader for truly being a man of conviction. Mayor Carvalho has to live under the scrutiny of the life of a politician, and for that reason I’m sure the question of his decision in the gubernatorial race is being brought to light.
Enough already…as we say in Hawai‘i. Move on from this kind of unnecessary questioning of a superior leader like our mayor. Stop trying to find wrong in what he felt was right.
After all, there are many of us that believe in Mufi and publicly came out in support of him statewide, that included Walter Dods, many union representatives, and myself and family to just name a few.
It’s wasting time on this type of journalism that causes the voting public to NOT turn out on election day.
So…let’s work on the issues and focus on finding more people like our mayor who are filled with conviction and will always do what they believe is right…and not necessarily popular.
And in his words…Together We Can!
Stephanie and Charles Iona, Waimea
Bravo to Jung for letter
Bravo to Jim Jung for his editorial letter dated October 1st, “Firefighters unfairly criticized.” It was not only a fine supportive statement of our firefighters but it provided a historic legal and legislative retrospective into the rights of Hawai‘i’s public in regards to access of near shore waters for fishing and recreation. I loved it, and I’m sure many other local fishermen and private boaters so often vilified in today’s media will appreciate his enlightening letter.
Phil Ayala, Koloa