LIHU‘E — Yes, there is a boat big enough for Kaua‘i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr. That was the first question the mayor asked when he presented a mayoral proclamation to the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts, Monday afternoon announcing the Welcome Aboard
LIHU‘E — Yes, there is a boat big enough for Kaua‘i Mayor Bernard Carvalho Jr.
That was the first question the mayor asked when he presented a mayoral proclamation to the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts, Monday afternoon announcing the Welcome Aboard Day event.
Dylan Auth, Administrative Boatswin’s Mate, said the event coincides with the National Welcome Aboard Day being celebrated by other Sea Scouts across the nation and will be held Saturday from noon to 6 p.m.
The public is invited to drop by and enjoy the fun and fellowship of the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts and their supporters.
This is an opportunity for people to see what the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts program is about as Larry Richardson, the program’s advisor, said the public is welcome to join the Sea Scouts in water skiing, boating, barbecue, bon fire and a good time.
“We’ll be setting up on the banks of the river, probably under the Wailua Bridge and we’ll have the ‘Sea Fox’ in the water for people to enjoy,” Richardson said.
The Kaua‘i Sea Scout Program is sponsored by the Kaua‘i Police Activities League and stands in service and benefit to the youth of Kaua‘i.
Nationally, the Sea Scouts is a co-educational program offered to young adults between the ages of 14 to 21.
“We meet each Wednesday evening, do activities on Saturdays and have a sail at least once a month,” Richardson said to Carvalho who asked about the program.
Kaua‘i’s youth learn valuable vocational skills and technical training in the program. This is supplemented by the learning of life skills that include responsibility, teamwork and leadership, a trait that drew a smile from Carvalho.
This is done through learning to live the Sea Promise, Scout Oath, and the Scout motto of “Be Prepared.” While working through the program, youth experience character development.
Sea Scouting provides our youth with a safe and positive venue for fun, excitement, adventure and discovery, states the proclamation.
Additionally, the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts also volunteer and support numerous community service projects which gives each Scout a keen respect for individuals and building wholesome communities.
The Decisive, the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts’ ship, serves as the flagship for the entire Boy Scouts of America, Aloha Council, and as such, the Kaua‘i Sea Scouts serve as role models and examples for Sea Scouts across the state, the proclamation states.
For more information, drop by the Welcome Aboard Day event from noon to 6 p.m., Saturday.