Mahalo to Kevin Cadiente on the heads-up about the south surf bump, Thursday. Kevin said he was in the water for three hours, Wednesday before getting to Kaua‘i High School football practice. Watching Kaua‘i coach Derek Borrero move his troops
Mahalo to Kevin Cadiente on the heads-up about the south surf bump, Thursday. Kevin said he was in the water for three hours, Wednesday before getting to Kaua‘i High School football practice.
Watching Kaua‘i coach Derek Borrero move his troops through their paces brings the excitement of back-to-school to a fever pitch as football is around the corner, and of course, it’s just chicken-skin to see all those coaches working with the boys. School starts as early as Monday.
Trey Shimabukuro was helping the young Red Raiders before he leaves for college and Kalena “Boom” Rodero-Workman (ask him about the rock fish Taran “Tiger” Tani caught) was helping throw passes to the receivers while coach Milton Koga did his phone business.
Caitlyn Rapozo is pretty accurate with the foot, and even Ron Victorino (hats off on a great GIMC event, Sunday!) is getting excited about the season.
Coach Orlando “O” Anaya was getting excited about the Mokihana Aquatics Lollipop Meet, Sunday at the Kaua‘i High School pool, and is the Kaua‘i High School gym going to be done fumigating by the start of the Kaua‘i Challenge, Thursday?
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or