• Wake up, Kaua‘i • No vacation rentals on ag lands • Remember the Superferry • Federal funds can be used for path Wake up, Kaua‘i In response to two items in Monday’s paper (July 19) that touch upon the
• Wake up, Kaua‘i • No vacation rentals on ag lands • Remember the Superferry • Federal funds can be used for path
Wake up, Kaua‘i
In response to two items in Monday’s paper (July 19) that touch upon the absurdity of our local governance:
Mr. Love’s letter “County manager could benefit many” adds positive substance to a county-manager system in his reference to a “procurements” requirement stating “the winning bidder had to have certain equipment on hand on the day the contract was awarded. This all but locked out any competition for the incumbent, which had all the requisite equipment.” Sounds like a corrupt (county) Purchasing Department to me.
The second item mentioned being Kaua‘i Springs facing the possibility of being “forced to close its doors unless an appeal against the company is lifted” (“Kaua‘i Springs struggling,” front page, July 19). A small family business that won their court case being threatened by bankruptcy and losing their home because of an appeal, probably by bigger-money interest.
Kaua‘i’s County Council and mayor’s office need to get on the side of the small folks on this island, like you and I, the taxpayers and small businesses that create jobs.
Kaua‘i’s County Council and mayor’s office need to begin focusing on suing the (state) Department of Health for not prosecuting two multi-billionaires and cohorts for hundreds of millions of dollars worth of environmental violations, fines and other penalties committed here on Kaua‘i and allowed to be overlooked by the DOH while prosecuting other less-wealthy and influential citizens and companies, and yes, the small guys as well.
Could not the citizenry of Kaua‘i use this money, or a percentage thereof, from the enforcement of legitimate environmental violations the DOH themselves cited but are now willing to “forget and forgive” as a favor to these well-connected special interests? Wake up this election year, Kaua‘i!
John Hoff, Lawa‘i
No vacation rentals on ag lands
I was recently notified that the county planning committee approved a motion to allow vacation rentals to be built on agriculture property specifically designated by the state Legislature for Kaua‘i’s sustainable future. I was also appalled to discover council members Furfaro, Bynum, Kawahara and Kaneshiro voted in favor of this motion. Obviously these lands were designated for a reason and that was to produce a sustainable industry that has a larger rate of return than a one-time vacation home being built for an individual who will not reside and contribute to the surrounding community but for a few days per year. And, for the council members to not realize that the homes that exist on these properties were built illegally. Proves, to be an a typical, nearsighted mentality that got Hawai‘i dependent on imported fruits and vegetables in the first place. To my surprise this also shows no respect for laws of legislature and proves that these council members are not just inexperienced but uneducated on future planning.
My question, in the event we face a shipping strike or natural disaster and the local grocery stores are not able to stock produce from local farmers, who then will provide the community a solution? Will we all then starve while we sit in your beautiful vacation rentals?
THINK ABOUT IT. Please Kaua‘i don’t let this happen.
Joseph Figaroa, Princeville
Remember the Superferry
For those of us who wanted the Superferry to have served Kaua‘i, the defeat of that service for us Kaua‘i residents was major to us. This letter reminds us of those politicians who were responsible to have the major defeated.
Those that would have benefited were construction businesses, businesses and even the ordinary people who could have gone off island to purchase those goods that are not commonly-found here. The vehicles could have been on the ferry and filled with their merchandises to be brought home.
I for one, would have loved that opportunity to have done that.
Unfortunately for us who were in support of the Superferry, found ourselves defeated because that politician was protecting the airlines. While running for office, this particular politician considered us as their constituents. Were we really constituents or were we used as pawns to get that politician elected? Remember those candidates this election because we should not be used again. I ask you voters to go out and vote, but VOTE WISELY this time. Don’t be fooled again.
Cayetano Gerardo, Koloa
Federal funds can be used for path
Mr. Mickens, regarding your letter of July 11 (“Necessary project?”), you may have to order that crow to eat — online (superior to obsolete pamphlets). 23 U.S.C. 101(a)(35) both in TEA-21 as amended (August 10, 2006) by Section 1122(a) of SAFETEA-LU: “…it is not necessary that each Transportation Enhancement activity be associated with a specific surface transportation project to be eligible for funding. Examples which illustrate this include:…the provision of a bike or pedestrian path…”
Also Mr. Mickens, in the future you can address me as “Sir,” or “Mr. Antonson.”
Pete Antonson, Kalaheo