Judy Segawa is a celebrity, hosting Yuki Nagano of the Tokyo Mainichi News Sunday. Judy said the reporter from one of the largest newspapers in Japan was going to interview her about WWII. Ken Yasutake said the summer flush of
Judy Segawa is a celebrity, hosting Yuki Nagano of the Tokyo Mainichi News Sunday. Judy said the reporter from one of the largest newspapers in Japan was going to interview her about WWII.
Ken Yasutake said the summer flush of pineapples was last week, but he still has a bunch at the Sunshine Markets. Vaimoana Musika graduated from Wilson High School in Portland, Ore., and got to celebrate by helping grandma Alamita Musika at the Koloa Sunshine Market. I hope she got to have some Ken Miyoshi Masa’s Shave Ice (how do we know when he’s going to be in Nawiliwili?) at the Kukui Grove Monday Market.
Speaking of Kukui Grove, Art Umezu (Disney is wrapping up its Kaua‘i filming) said Friday marks the one-year anniversary of The Jam Room and Jonell Kaohelaulii is going to make a presentation to both the Boys & Girls Club and the Big Brothers Big Sisters programs.
Ulu Matagiese’s mom (she was filling gas at Stan’s in Puhi) said Ulu is playing with a softball team from O‘ahu and spending the summer touring the Mainland playing softball.
Which brings up Jessica Iwata (Ulu’s cousin) who will be appearing in front of the Kaua‘i County Council (mahalo to Lianne Parongao for the heads-up).
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.com.