LIHU‘E — Former Mayor and Kaua‘i County Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura recently filed papers to run for the County Council in elections this fall. “It has been my privilege over the years to work with many others in bringing practical benefits
LIHU‘E — Former Mayor and Kaua‘i County Councilwoman JoAnn Yukimura recently filed papers to run for the County Council in elections this fall.
“It has been my privilege over the years to work with many others in bringing practical benefits to our community,” she said in a news release. “Together, we have created public transportation (The Kaua‘i Bus), multi-use paths and Sunshine Markets; slowed development; expanded public open spaces; and built affordable homes.
“Today, we face many challenges. The keys are leadership, working together, good planning and wise actions,” she said. “We all want to keep Kaua‘i prosperous, beautiful, healthy, and sustainable — a living example of aloha. I want to serve on the County Council to contribute my experience, know-how and commitment toward these ends.
“Because of those who have gone before us, and because of the many members of our community who contribute generously to our island, every day, each in his or her own way, life is good on Kaua‘i. We need to continue this legacy.”
Yukimura, who officially filed to run May 21, invites all interested to her campaign kick-off celebration at Nani Moon Mead in Kapa‘a on June 3 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for fun, fellowship and political discussion, plus locally-produced, tropical-honey wines.
Visit for more information on the campaign.