A new watershed partnership between public and private landowners was finalized this week between the Department of Land and Natural Resources and six other entities in order to execute the Wai‘anae Mountains Watershed Partnership Memorandum of Understanding, according to a
A new watershed partnership between public and private landowners was finalized this week between the Department of Land and Natural Resources and six other entities in order to execute the Wai‘anae Mountains Watershed Partnership Memorandum of Understanding, according to a press release.
Members of the Wai‘anae Mountains Watershed Partnership include DLNR, Honolulu Board of Water Supply, Gill-Olson Joint Venture, Ka‘ala Farm, MA‘O Organic Farms, United States Army Garrison, Hawai‘i and United States Navy Region, Hawai‘i.
“The overall goal of the Wai‘anae Mountains Watershed Partnership is to work together to protect, restore, and enhance the Wai‘anae mountains watersheds — from mauka to makai — while incorporating traditional, cultural and community values for future generations,” said Laura H. Thielen, DLNR chairperson in the release.
For more information contact Yumi Miyata, WMWP coordinator at 808-227-9545 or yumi.k.miyata@hawaii.gov.