LIHU‘E — Devin Portillo netted two goals, Blaise Ferguson and Mason Vegas each pocketed goals as the Raiders edged Waimea, 4-3 during the Kaua‘i Soccer Association games Sunday at the North Vidinha fields. Jonathan Tangalin led the Waimea effort with
LIHU‘E — Devin Portillo netted two goals, Blaise Ferguson and Mason Vegas each pocketed goals as the Raiders edged Waimea, 4-3 during the Kaua‘i Soccer Association games Sunday at the North Vidinha fields.
Jonathan Tangalin led the Waimea effort with two goals and Devan Banasihan Kenny added a score in the effort.
KSA games scheduled for Saturday will be moving to the Hanapepe fields due to the Boy Scouts of America using the Vidinha Stadium facilities for its annual Makahiki, said Jane Garma, the KSA score and statistics coordinator.
The public is invited to make a full day in Hanapepe as Waimea will be hosting a Kaua‘i Interscholastic Federation tennis match at the Hanapepe courts and the Menehune baseball team will be hosting Kaua‘i in a double-header, Garma said.
KSA games start from 8 a.m. and run through the day. The KIF tennis match is scheduled to start at 9 a.m. and the first Waimea baseball game goes off from 10 a.m.
“This is a great way to spend the day,” Garma said. “There is no admission for any of the events so people can just come down and enjoy.”
Sunday games return to the North Vidinha field starting at noon.
Full results from the weekend’s games can be found in the Scoreboard section on B2.