• Drug Court appreciates all the help • Mahalo for kokua from Hale ‘Opio • Mickens is writer’s ‘target’ • Dear lawmakers: Quit wasting my tax dollars Drug Court appreciates all the help On March 19, the Kaua‘i Drug Court clients,
• Drug Court appreciates all the help • Mahalo for kokua from Hale ‘Opio • Mickens is writer’s ‘target’ • Dear lawmakers: Quit wasting my tax dollars
Drug Court appreciates all the help
On March 19, the Kaua‘i Drug Court clients, staff and alumni cleaned and painted the Kapa‘a Beach Park restroom, picked up trash on the beach in the surrounding area, painted four picnic tables and a beach pavilion.
Thanks goes to the County of Kaua‘i, Lenny Rapozo, Eddie Sarita for supplies, and George Algren. Thanks also to the dedicated county workers who actually clean the beach parks. Having observed them personally at Hanama‘ulu and Kapa‘a beach parks, I can say that they are dedicated, professional and have pride in their work. They are not worthy of the unjust criticism laid on them by some. Thanks goes to the Drug Court staff, Tammy, Jack, Jen, Araceli and Tori, The Friends of the Kaua‘i Drug Court, a Kaua‘i United Way agency, for refreshments, lunch and supplies. Thanks also to the clients and especially the alumni that helped.
We try to help the clients and the community that they once harmed by engaging in community-service projects. This concept of “restorative justice” is a win-win for everyone.
Thanks to all those who support us. It is sincerely appreciated!
Alton Amimoto, Lihu‘e
Mahalo for kokua from Hale ‘Opio
I just wanted to take a moment to stop and thank the many generous people of Kaua‘i who are supporting our upcoming fundraiser, “Passion for Purses,” by donating gorgeous, wonderful, exciting purses and fillings for the purses!
Nonprofit agencies are working hard to continue to provide much-needed services to the children, youth and families of Kaua‘i. With all the cuts in spending by government and some foundations, it is even more critical for us to all do all we can to generate money to help us provide the programs we offer.
We feel so very fortunate to be supported by so many giving people! This fundraiser will be an especially fun event with a wide array of new purses to choose from in both the silent auction and live auction, to say nothing of the high-tea fare of petite sandwiches and desserts created especially for our event by the chef of Kaua‘i Beach Resort.
We hope everyone will come join the fun! Seating is limited. Tables for 10 of your friends and family or individual tickets can be secured by calling 245-2873 x 221. Mahalo for your kokua.
Mary Navarro, Executive Director, Hale ‘Opio Kaua‘i, Inc.
Mickens is writer’s ‘target’
Wonder no more, Mr. Mickens, (March 28 TGI, “What will the judge’s next target be?)
If need be, my “fancy” may be encouraged by misinterpretations, unbalanced opinions lacking facts, logic and common sense.
Yes, The Garden Island’s editorial of 3/7/10 (Firing power) did not directly endorse the county-manager proposal. Yes, it did not directly express its opposition to the “mayor-appointment” proposal.
Both proposals, however, meet the criteria of The Garden Island’s declared policy which says that “Any proposal that would significantly change the way the county governs itself should be put before the voters.”
A careful reading and “listening” to the “tone” of the editorial tells me that The Garden Island favorably supports one proposal and disfavors the other, that one should go to the electorate for decision but not the other. Contrary to its declared policy.
How you arrived at your assessment of the editorial, that with respect to the mayor-appointment proposal, it is merely an “expressed reservation” “about its desirability” and “did not oppose submission to the voters” is a real puzzle to me.
What meanings do you attribute to words and phrases such as “we should hold off” and “the Charter Review Commission should drop the proposal,” which are quotes from the editorial?
My reading tells me that the above quotes constitute an equivalent expression of opposition to the proposal with its attendant non-submittal to the voters.
Will you quote from my letter of March 14 where and how my “lack of understanding” and “incorrect finding” occur?
Lyrics go well with music if correctly read.
Alfred Laureta, Puhi
Dear lawmakers: Quit wasting my tax dollars
Okay, let’s see. The state is in financial turmoil. Can’t afford to send kids to school full time. Budget cuts everywhere.
Well, it’s a good thing the state still has enough money to waste on recognizing the cultural significance of illegal activities (like cockfighting). It’s good to see that my tax dollars are being well spent.
Roger Olsen, Lihu‘e