Long course paddlers topped the last YMCA Steinlager Kaua‘i Hoe Wa‘a paddling race last Saturday. Just three minutes separated the top two finishers. Luke Evslin, a longtime paddler, crossed the long course with a 1:09:54.02 paddle. Tyrus Siale came in
Long course paddlers topped the last YMCA Steinlager Kaua‘i Hoe Wa‘a paddling race last Saturday.
Just three minutes separated the top two finishers. Luke Evslin, a longtime paddler, crossed the long course with a 1:09:54.02 paddle. Tyrus Siale came in at 1:12:47.11.
Originally scheduled for Kalihiwai to Hanalei, the course was changed due to high surf buffeting the North Shore area.
The revised course saw paddlers leave Po‘ipu Beach and Kukui‘ula Small Boat Harbor with Salt Pond Beach Park as the final destination.
Mary Bartlett of the YMCA Steinlager Kaua‘i Hoe Wa‘a said 56 craft and 60 paddlers took part in the third race of the season under nice conditions with very light winds providing for good results.
“Forecasted variable winds lured the typical top men’s finishers into creating a V-1 rudderless division reminiscent of the Tahitian racing scene,” Bartlett said in a release. “This was a first in Kaua‘i one-man (paddling) history.”
Bartlett said this move opened up the leader board to include some new faces in the top spots for both the long and short courses.
Evslin, visiting from O‘ahu, dominated the long course and Tom Thompson cleaned up on the short course, Bartlett said.
Thompson crossed the line on a 44:32:08 paddle, just two minutes ahead of second finisher Keith Horton (46:24:33), the difference being a wave caught outside the harbor by Thompson surging him into the lead.
Within each of the course races, there were strong competitive moments with Alana Frazier-Goo and Kristin Foster battling for the lead in the Women’s division of the long course.
Foster crossed at 1:18:08:33, just seconds ahead of Frazier-Goo’s 1:;18:59:82 paddle, the two ladies being separated by Jr. Ho‘opi‘i who landed at 1:18:52:98.
Following a 90-minute battle on the open sea, Elle Johnson captured third place over Bartlett in the long course with a 1:26:24:25 run over Bartlett’s 1:26:25:25 paddle.
Bartlett said the event was enhanced through the lunch and dessert provided by the Kukui‘ula Canoe Club with Steinlager contributing a cooler of cold drinks. Tom Bartlett had copies of the latest “Pacific Paddler” and door prizes from Kai Wai‘a rounded out the day.
The race was monitored by timers Dana Miyake and Mikala Schoffner with Dexter Jacintho’s crew piloting the safety boat.
The next YMCA Steinlager Kaua‘i Hoe Wa‘a race takes place Saturday with the long course running from Kalapaki Beach to the Po‘ipu Beach Park.
The short course will see paddlers leave Po‘ipu Beach for the Port Allen Small Boat Harbor.
For more details and information, visit www.kauaihoewaa.com, or call Tom Bartlett at 652-0406.