• Sustainable Design in Affordable Housing • Strategic Nonprofit Collaborations Sustainable Design in Affordable Housing 3 to 5 p.m., Thursday at the Kaua‘i Community College Fine Dining Room Kaua‘i Planning and Action Alliance is hosting a free community meeting, co-sponsored
• Sustainable Design in Affordable Housing
• Strategic Nonprofit Collaborations
Sustainable Design in Affordable Housing
3 to 5 p.m., Thursday at the Kaua‘i
Community College Fine Dining Room
Kaua‘i Planning and Action Alliance is hosting a free community meeting, co-sponsored by Kaua‘i Architects Association. Guest speakers Peter Arsenault, architect and sustainability consultant and David Rockwood, associate professor at the University of Hawai‘i’s School of Architecture, and others will discuss progressive practices that are being used in community and building design, materials, and building techniques to make housing more affordable.
• RSVP by Dec. 14 by calling 632-2005 or e-mail kpaa@kauainetwork.org.
Strategic Nonprofit Collaborations
9 a.m. to noon, Friday at the Kaua‘i Humane Society training room in Puhi
Kaua‘i Planning and Action Alliance is hosting a free workshop. Learn from several Kaua‘i nonprofits that have found innovative ways of working together, ranging from collaborations, to partnerships and mergers in order to save money, increase effectiveness and extend their reach. Seating is limited and pre-registration is required.
• Call KPAA at 632-2005 or e-mail