Editor’s note: The Garden Island newspaper and the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i are teaming up again this year and asking the community to help make the holidays happier for less-fortunate residents through the Zonta/The Garden Island Christmas Fund. From now
Editor’s note: The Garden Island newspaper and the Zonta Club of Kaua‘i are teaming up again this year and asking the community to help make the holidays happier for less-fortunate residents through the Zonta/The Garden Island Christmas Fund. From now through Dec. 24, The Garden Island will share stories of families who could use a little holiday cheer along with an appeal for monetary donations of any size. The names have been changed to protect their privacy. Funds raised will be distributed to needy families by Zonta Club members, who purchase gift certificates at appropriate businesses to help make these simple wishes come true. Because of logistical limitations, only monetary donations can be accepted.
Lend Sam a helping hand
Sam, 30, is a woman who is mildly retarded and is trying very hard to make it in society. She is a hard worker and she does the very best she can in whatever she is asked to accomplish. She is friendly, outgoing and respectful. She does not ask for much. She has many goals and she hopes that she can one day accomplish them. Sam needs clothing, shoes and other personal items. She is appreciative of any and all help given to her. (C4)
Lisa could use new shoes
Lisa is a 44-year-old mentally retarded individual. She does not have any relatives and she resides in an adult care home. Lisa’s basic needs of food and shelter are met. However, she does not have enough to purchase much needed clothing, shoes and snacks. Lisa would be thrilled to have a chance to purchase her own snacks and little personal items for herself. Lisa is always grateful for any help. (C5)
Moana needs clothes
Moana is a 38-year-old female who is severely retarded. She lives with her parents who provide her care and supervision in the family home. She also attends a day program which provides her opportunities to learn social and self-care skills. Moana receives social security and supplemental income. She contributes to the monthly household expenses since both of her parents also live on fixed incomes. Unfortunately, after the monthly bills are paid, there isn’t much left for anything else. Moana could use some new underwear, short pants, tops and socks. (C6)
• Checks should be written to Zonta Club of Kaua‘i Foundation. Donations are tax-deductible, and should be mailed to Zonta Club of Kaua‘i Foundation, c/o Dimples Kano, P.O. Box 3032, Lihu‘e HI 96766-6032. For more information, contact Kano at 822-9882.