• Sonic waves • Spare tire • Namaste • Solar is the answer • Downgrade cannabis Sonic waves I would like some opinions about the possible connection to all the ultrasounds that pregnant mothers get now (and over the last
• Sonic waves
• Spare tire
• Namaste
• Solar is the answer
• Downgrade cannabis
Sonic waves
I would like some opinions about the possible connection to all the ultrasounds that pregnant mothers get now (and over the last 20 years) and autism.
I can’t understand why this subject is not being addressed.
I am a minister and marry quite a few pregnant brides, just this week one of my brides told me that she had eight of the super ultrasounds that show every detail of the baby, and she is only 7 months pregnant.
Sonic waves traveling through the mother’s fluid and bouncing off a developing baby? They have done many tests that prove these same sonic waves totally upset whales and dolphins, what happens to babies?
If you look at the symptoms of autism, shutting themselves off from the world, wouldn’t you if you had been bombarded by sonic waves from 6 weeks in the womb?
Christine Kube, Kalaheo
Spare tire
Computers have become a way of life for most people and I am no exception.
My computer hard drive crashed and I was at a loss since every morning it’s a routine along with my cup of Joe to read The Garden Island online and check e-mails.
I took my computer to three people and no one wanted to work on it. One person said they could fix it for $150. I can buy a refurbished like-new computer for $114 online, so I did.
In the meantime I tried working on the computers at the library, but every time I went to work there, I had a mom with a crying baby right next to me or a person who did not bathe on the other side of me.
I decided after 10 years I would pull my old Web TV unit out of storage and connect it to my TV.
Web TV never crashes, it’s just a terminal box with all technical data at the server’s location, so I was able to sign up for free service for 30 days while awaiting my new computer.
Web TV sure makes for a great spare tire.
James “Kimo” Rosen, Kapa‘a
Currently the flu bug H1N1 is on many minds.
A big concern. Hand sanitizer dispensers are everywhere.
As an additional protective measure I would like to suggest that we discontinue hand shaking in favor of the Indian greeting “namaste.”
By this beautiful gesture, without hand contact, the greeter says, “I honor the divinity in you.”
Maria C. Snyder, Kapa‘a
Solar is the answer
We live in a solar photovoltaic home powered by electricity generated by the sun shining on photovoltaic panels on the roof. We also have solar-heated water.
All 36 units at Kekaha Plantation Elderly Housing have electricity provided by sunshine on the PV panels. We always have electricity and it is generated without polluting the air. Why aren’t the rest of Kaua‘i residents using the sunshine to generate electricity?
Why does the KIUC Board of Directors plan to apply for low-interest government loans to possibly build another polluting fossil fuel-burning generator? The latest National Geographic magazine has an excellent article on PV electrical generation.
We have 40 friends who run their homes on electricity from the sun. Wilcox Hospital, The Hyatt, Pioneer Seed, PMRF, Wal-Mart and KMart are using, or reportedly plan to use sunshine to power their buildings.
The U.S. government plans to build PV electrical generating plants at Pearl Harbor and worldwide PV generation is increasing rapidly because it is non-polluting, it frees us from the dependency and fluctuating price of oil and cheaper in the long run for all of us. We hope KIUC Board of Directors will have the wisdom, foresight and vision to help, implement this beneficial technology for all our enjoyment. Or do you want to keep polluting our air and keep increasing our never ending and rising electric bills.
Freedom is no electric bill and clean air. PV solar electrical is the answer to all our electrical problems associated with dependency on foreign oil.
Power from the sun! Ua mau ke ea o ka ‘aina i ka pono! The life of the land is perpetuated in righteousness.
Kawika Moke, Kekaha
Downgrade cannabis
The policy on not enforcing federal cannabis laws on medicinal users in the 13 states which have legalized cannabis for medicinal use is a welcome first small step (“High time for change,” In Our Opinion, Oct. 25).
Now, Mr. Obama, take cannabis out of Schedule 1.
Brian Kerr, Scarborough, Ont., Canada