Pumpkin patch carnival 5:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 24 King’s Chapel, Hanama‘ulu King’s Chapel is in the dome between Laukona and the post office. Entertainment will be provided for Kaua‘i keiki in a safe and wholesome environment. There will be
Pumpkin patch
5:30 to 8 p.m. Oct. 24
King’s Chapel, Hanama‘ulu
King’s Chapel is in the dome between Laukona and the post office. Entertainment will be provided for Kaua‘i keiki in a safe and wholesome environment. There will be carnival games, a puppet show, prize give-aways, lots of candy and a costume contest for ages 0 to 12 years-old. A food booth will be available. For more information call, 335-6845.
Volunteers needed
5:30 to 8:45 p.m.
Kapa‘a Middle School
Ten volunteers are needed for security for the entire campus; eight, for food booths; 10 for clean up after the show.
Vendors sought
Nov. 8
Heritage Music Festival
Kaua‘i Hilton Resort is the site for Kapa‘a Middle School’s fundraiser. Monies raised will be for the choir and ‘ukulele band to attend a festival in California in March. For a vendor application call Mary Lardizabal, 821-4470.
Furlough Friday
8 a.m. to 4:40 p.m. Oct. 23
Wilcox Elementary School
Kaua’i Academy of Creative Arts is a non-profit organization offering year-round classes in visual and performing arts for kids currently enrolled in Kindergarten and up to 13 years-old. Financial assistance available. Ten class tuition is $250 for the following Fridays: Oct. 23 and 30; Nov. 6 and 20; Dec. 4, 11, 18; Jan. 15 and 29; Feb. 5. Registration for the remaining seven furlough Fridays will begin at the end of January.
Classes being offered are: Art Zone for 5 and 6 year-olds currently enrolled in Kindergarten. These students will stay in one classroom during the program with their instructor as they explore, experiment and discover the arts with their peers. Students will learn about visual art materials and given an opportunity to experience the art of performance through story telling dramatic play and movement. For 6 year-olds currently enrolled in first grade to 13 year-olds. Students will have a creative adventure experiencing both visual and performing arts as they participate in learning Hawaiian culture and arts, creating art from found beach objects while learning about ocean life. The children will learn ukulele, hip-hop movements, create an artistic journal and learn mural painting.
For additional information call, 346-7586, e-mail, info@kauaicreativearts.org or visit kauaicreativearts.org.