• Historic ‘Opaeka‘a Bridge • Think you’re cool? • Wake up Kaua‘i! Historic ‘Opaeka‘a Bridge The Garden Island ran a short article on June 20 headlined “‘Opaeka‘a Bridge to close for repairs Monday.” The detour signs are already up in
• Historic ‘Opaeka‘a Bridge
• Think you’re cool?
• Wake up Kaua‘i!
Historic ‘Opaeka‘a Bridge
The Garden Island ran a short article on June 20 headlined “‘Opaeka‘a Bridge to close for repairs Monday.” The detour signs are already up in the neighborhood, and it’s gratifying to hear that attention is finally being given to this long-neglected and much treasured island resource.
However, any consideration for a next phase to include “replacement of the bridge,” as reported, is out of place. The ‘Opaeka‘a Bridge was listed on the National Register of Historic Places over 25 years ago, and it is legally protected from demolition and replacement by Section 4(f) of the US Department of Transportation Act of 1966.
Beyond federal regulations, the ‘Opaeka‘a Bridge deserves our protection and our respect. It is the only known British-made truss bridge still existing anywhere in the United States of America, and it is one of the few examples of late 19th Century engineering or architecture left on Kaua‘i.
The County Department of Public Works is aware of the federal regulation to preserve the bridge, having been notified of that requirement by knowledgeable local and state parties as well as by the Western Region of the National Trust for Historic Preservation.
Hopefully, therefore, the unfortunate word “replacement” was a simple editing error and all professional efforts are focused on repairing the bridge in historically sensitive ways so that it can maintain its cultural integrity while structurally serving the community for another hundred years.
Pat Griffin, Wailua Homesteads
Think you’re cool?
My friend Roddy started smoking when we were in the 5th grade. He always had a pack of Kools rolled up his sleeve and generously passed the “coffin nails” out to his friends.
We would walk from Kaimuki to Waikiki to go bodysurfing and poor Roddy huffing and puffing would always bring up the rear of our entourage.
Some of my friends smoked, drank beer and chased girls all through high school. A few of us surfed and we didn’t smoke because after taking a few drags found it decreased our ability to survive being held under water during a wipeout.
We camped out at Chun’s reef with a few cases of Miller High Life and packs of Pall Mall unfiltered and woke up to beautiful day and perfect peeling waves. I fell off every wave and felt so junk that I never smoked another cigarette or drank another beer.
That was 50 years ago. My friend passed away from lung cancer when we were both 42. He left a wife and two children. Looking back on life, we lost friends who couldn’t stop drinking and smoking.
What is it that attracts people to these destructive habits? Do you think you look cool with a cancer stick hanging off your lip? Well, James Dean looked cool, but he’s gone and so is Bogart and all the poseurs and pretenders trying to impress the world with how tough and cool they are.
Smoking and drinking and doing drugs are foolish attempts to feel good. It’s a foolish, destructive addictive hell that will ruin your life. You can choose to be happy and healthy or you can choose to be a loser. It’s all up to you: Hope you make the better choice.
Kawika Moke, Kekaha
Wake up Kaua‘i!
Regarding scientifically altered agriculture currently growing on Kaua‘i; Why do you think these big companies chose our isolated island to grow their experimental crops?
I suspect it’s because we are far from the Mainland and the main American populous. If and when something goes very wrong, it’s just a few Americans who lose vs. their potential profits. Reminds me of Agent Orange testing on Kaua‘i.
Regarding the debate about Manager vs. Mayor; Did you notice who sponsored the event? I thought the choice was between having a manager with academic credentials running Kaua‘i County Government vs. an elected resident at least 30 years old.
Mr. Mora pointed out in his presentation that “A county manager serves at the pleasure of the mayor and the county council to manage the budget approved by the governing body.” If this is true, then why pay for another yes man? It should be a mayor or a manager in control, period.
Regarding our County Council; If Asing is truly guilty of being the dictator everyone is making him out to be, then I think one possible way to change this now is through civil disobedience.
Action is required. We need a new leader. We’re not going to get one from any of the 3 “D” councilmen. Mr. Big Save couldn’t even fulfill his obligations to KIUC. Dickie has been uncharacteristically quite lately, and Daryl has never got off the horse he rode in on even though he’s on borrowed time.
Vince Cosner, Lihu‘e