Therese Jasper said people can vote for Krystal Ijima and Nicole Kaui as the girls compete for the Miss Hawai‘i title. Therese said there is a way people can cast their votes for the Kaua‘i girls for the Miss Photogenic
Therese Jasper said people can vote for Krystal Ijima and Nicole Kaui as the girls compete for the Miss Hawai‘i title. Therese said there is a way people can cast their votes for the Kaua‘i girls for the Miss Photogenic honor through either the Miss Hawai‘i or the OC16 Web sites, now.
Krystal, the former catcher for the Kaua‘i High School softball team, was busy working with Carly Matsumoto in Carly’s new role on the team before the KIF season even got underway. Imagine the beauty queen working in the dust?
Good luck to the Red Raiders in its quest for HHSAA gold next week — Jessica Iwata, qualifying for several HHSAA track events, is planning on doing the whole tour with the softball team before catching a plane to Hilo for the state track meet. That’s multi-tasking to the max!
Ed Kawamura is getting ready for the M. Kawamura Farm Enterprise expo next week (you can always stop by to visit and shop after the Visitor Industry Charity Walk!) that starts Friday … check out that German-made sweeper that Ed said can even sweep up beer cans.
Carol and Joe Tosto will have a Carlsbad (Calif.) “conker” when they take in the Visitor Industry Charity Walk next week … they come in Thursday and need the “conker” to find the Camper among the expected 1,400 walkers (that’s not counting the volunteers!) Joe and Carol were part of the festivities last year.