OK, if you hurry, there’s still time to get some Kenny Ishii pancakes. No, it’s not at Ono Family Restaurant. Kenny is helping the Island School third graders at a pancake breakfast at the Island School cafeteria (I think you
OK, if you hurry, there’s still time to get some Kenny Ishii pancakes. No, it’s not at Ono Family Restaurant. Kenny is helping the Island School third graders at a pancake breakfast at the Island School cafeteria (I think you missed the pancake eating contest, though).
And if you’re looking at this after 10 a.m., no worries because Ron Garlie will be serving his pancakes Sunday (with Harvey Kinoshita’s miso soup and Roy Nishida’s pineapples) at the Elsie Wilcox Elementary School cafeteria with the East Kaua‘i Lions Club. That means Gary Pacheco, Wayne Tanji and Bill Troutman must be greasing up the griddles for the North Shore Lions Club event coming up Apr. 15.
Since we don’t have an iHop, it didn’t matter because Marlena Bunao had a line that didn’t seem to end for malasadas. National Pancake Day came and went, but in Hawai‘i, it was malasada. The bad thing about the Waimea baseball tournament is that it starts after Menehune Mart, Lawa‘i sells out theirs. Oh well, there’s always Spam musubi and sushi.
OK, ‘nuff said, it’s off to count the whales (after some Kenny Ishii pancakes, that is).
• Dennis Fujimoto, photographer and staff writer, can be reached at 245-3681 (ext. 253) or dfujimoto@kauaipubco.com