A non-perishable canned, or boxed food item is the admission for three hours of Neil Diamond tunes, next Saturday. Sponsored by the West Kaua‘i Business Association, the Cherry Cherry Band will open its two-appearance tour on Kaua‘i at the Waimea
A non-perishable canned, or boxed food item is the admission for three hours of Neil Diamond tunes, next Saturday.
Sponsored by the West Kaua‘i Business Association, the Cherry Cherry Band will open its two-appearance tour on Kaua‘i at the Waimea Theater as a benefit for the Kaua‘i Food Bank.
Admission to the concert benefitting the Kaua‘i Food Bank is either a non-perishable canned, or boxed food item. The concert will run from 2 to 5 p.m.
Based out of Seattle, Wash., the group specializing in Neil Diamond tunes will follow that appearance with another gig at Bouchons, formerly known as Sushi Blues, in Hanalei.
That appearance will open at 9 p.m. and run until midnight with sound and backline being provided by Michael Gregg and Workhorse Productions.
For more information, visit the band’s Web site at www.cherrycherryband.com.