With football on a break until Nov. 21, check out the pre-season soccer which will happen Friday night at Vidinha Stadium starting at 7 p.m. Coach Bill Lemke said that is one of three games that Hilo will be playing
With football on a break until Nov. 21, check out the pre-season soccer which will happen Friday night at Vidinha Stadium starting at 7 p.m.
Coach Bill Lemke said that is one of three games that Hilo will be playing here. The Vikings also play two games on Saturday, the first at 10 a.m. and the second one in the evening.
After no sports last week, this week overflows as coach Kevin Medeiros is hosting his basketball clinic and Paul Pancho and the Kaua‘i Pop Warner Association wraps up its regular season Saturday. Paul said they’ll have the bowl game schedule after next week’s association meeting.
Jeannie Warren does a pretty good job on the microphone during the Pop Warner games, and Zack Octavio is still out there as a standby paramedic for American Medical Response. Mel Rapozo started out with the Veterans Day parade, but had to leave since he delivered a message at the Larry Saito service before making his appearance at the Pop Warner games.
Of course, he was at the Kapa‘a High School homecoming along with Arthur Brun doing the microphone thing for JK (you gotta see ‘his’ big pigs).
Speaking of sports, Lihu‘e Baseball League president Kyle Oshima had a couple of his league officials putting up a stronger fence than the orange one to keep people out of the portables behind the convention hall.
Kyle said they’ve already got some commitments from off-island Pinto teams to try and create a Pinto Bash during the President’s Day weekend. Stay tuned.