I want to thank each of you, friends of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau, for your aloha as I have met you in your homes, work places, community events and beach parks. The best part of campaigning is getting out into the
I want to thank each of you, friends of Kaua‘i and Ni‘ihau, for your aloha as I have met you in your homes, work places, community events and beach parks. The best part of campaigning is getting out into the community. I am constantly in awe of the generosity, talent and diversity of the people who live here.
My family has lived on Kaua‘i for five generations. I love Kaua‘i deeply — our land and people. It is this love that drives my work. Thank you for the privilege of serving you for 20 years on the council and as mayor.
The only issue in this mayoral race is: Who can best lead?
If we choose someone who doesn’t know how to lead, what will happen to Kaua‘i, and what will be left?
In these troubled and uncertain times, it will take more than talk and good intentions. It will take courageous, proven leadership that knows how to say “No” when needed, that can tell the difference between special interests and the public interest. It will take leadership with vision — the ability to see what the community needs before it exists — and “know-how” — the ability to get the job done.
“We got the job done” over and over again when I was mayor. The Kaua‘i Bus, sunshine markets, a certificate for excellence in financial reporting, the Film Commission, the Kaua‘i Products Council, recycling and composting pilot projects, the Kapa‘a town sewers, and the papaya disinfestation plant are all examples of innovative, far-sighted thinking and effective action.
Bernard is a warm and good person, but he has no experience in this kind of decision-making and no understanding of the issues. Until he started running for mayor four months ago, he had no interest in many of these issues.
Even a good team cannot substitute for a good leader.
Given his “business as usual” backing — large corporations and appointed officials who want to keep their jobs — how can Bernard bring the change we need?
We cannot afford to stand still for the next two years. We have stood still too long, failing to effectively address the big issues that affect our lives on a daily basis — energy, economy, solid waste, traffic, affordable housing, planning and permitting. It is costing the taxpayers and the community money, missed opportunities and hardships on our families and businesses. We’ve had to waste $50 million for emergency expansion of our landfill just because of typical “business as usual” inaction, the kind of inaction Bernard can only bring us more of.
Under Bernard, as director of the Office of Community Assistance, the county almost lost its chance for the 82 affordable apartments that are going up across from Kintaro Restaurant today. Under Bernard’s leadership, a proposal was made that Kaua‘i County accept a small payment from the developer instead of requiring construction of the actual unit or enough money to build such a unit.
Families will move into those affordable homes next year only because the council rejected Bernard’s proposal; the council crafted a new proposal and the developer was willing to build the units.
In last week’s O‘ahu KGMB9 debate, Bernard failed to accept responsibility for something done under his watch — or he doesn’t understand what happened.
Under a Yukimura administration, we will keep Kaua‘i Kaua‘i even as we grow. We will manage our growth and provide affordable housing. We will protect our families against rising costs and unemployment. We will build a sustainable economy as well as a sustainable way of life. We will protect our beaches, mountains, watershed, ag lands and cultural sites.
Finally, we will create and sustain jobs, by boosting our present economic pillars — tourism, PMRF, construction, government — and by remembering that where there are needs, there are potential jobs and businesses. Produce local. Buy local.
I have always stood with you, Kaua‘i. I have fought unwise development, created programs to build the economy and lower the cost of living, worked with you to keep Kaua‘i Kaua‘i.
I want to serve as your mayor, so our children can live on Kaua‘i and prosper. I need your vote.
For your children, for the future, for our island, please vote JoAnn Yukimura for mayor.