Revered kumu hula, Hawaiian cultural practitioner and spiritual icon, Kumu Poni Kamau‘u offers a rare opportunity to hear and learn the traditional Kaua‘i hula, chants, and wisdom of the sacred Luahine lineage from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow at
Revered kumu hula, Hawaiian cultural practitioner and spiritual icon, Kumu Poni Kamau‘u offers a rare opportunity to hear and learn the traditional Kaua‘i hula, chants, and wisdom of the sacred Luahine lineage from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. tomorrow at the Kaua‘i Museum. The $50 lecture fee partially benefits the Kaua‘i Museum.
Son of noted master fisherman Wailana Kamau‘u and hula master and chanter Hoakalei Kamau‘u, Poni showed a deep interest in Hawaiian culture as a young child.
His grand-aunt Iolani Luahine was curator at the Hulihe‘e Palace in Kona and the Royal Mausoleum at Nu‘uanu in Honolulu during Kamau’u’s youth. He was one of the handful of youth chosen by Auntie Birdie Reis, a noted historian who shared with them all things Hawaiian.
His training as a kumu hula, chanter, lei maker and musician made Kamau’u a key cultural resource at the Bishop Museum, both in Kalihi Valley and the Heritage Theater in Waikiki. He serves as a kumu in the Department of Education Hawaiian Studies Kupuna Program.
Through this lecture tomorrow, he will share his mana‘o and Hawaiian culture.
For more information call the Kaua‘i Museum 246-2470.