• Don’t tip, we’ll keep the aloha • Learn what aloha is all about • Wanting Superferry responsibility • Ideas filed away Don’t tip, we’ll keep the aloha I just read your letter concerning the proposed tax hike on timeshare
• Don’t tip, we’ll keep the aloha
• Learn what aloha is all about
• Wanting Superferry responsibility
• Ideas filed away
Don’t tip, we’ll keep the aloha
I just read your letter concerning the proposed tax hike on timeshare and related issues (“Timeshare owner discrimination unfair,” Letters, July 24).
I must say that I find your letter offensive and hypocritical. So you think that you are being treated unfairly in this volatile economy for having a “luxury” timeshare in Hawai‘i? I say luxury because as much as I would love to have one somewhere nice in the world, I can’t afford it and probably never will. You say that you will retaliate by boycotting certain businesses. So be it. You say that you want Kaua‘i to extend our “aloha spirit” to you and your family? Yet you are willing to take it out on hard working individuals by not tipping in good faith. And then you have the audacity to suggest the wait help complain to our local government about why they weren’t tipped by you for services rendered? Give me a break. Why don’t you complain to the local government and not cop out by punishing others for your frustration? You feel like second-class citizens? How in the world do you think others will feel when you stiff them on a tip they have earned (obviously if the quality of services or goods rendered justify it).
Sorry, but with an attitude like yours, you can keep your contribution to the local economy and I’ll keep my aloha spirit. Sounds fair enough.
Stephen Shioi
Learn what aloha is all about
In their July 24 letter to the editor (“Timeshare owner discrimination unfair,” Letters, July 24), Paul and April Tolbert encourage “aloha spirit” when making decisions about the property taxes for timeshares and rental properties. And in the same letter, they speak of their plan to stiff their wait staff in Kaua‘i restaurants, as if an increase in property taxes equates to not being able to leave a tip.
Mr. and Ms. Tolbert, perhaps you should take a lesson in what aloha spirit is all about. Would that kind of behavior qualify? I think not. With attitudes like that, I doubt Kauaians would even want you around.
Furthermore, if leaving tips for your servers will break the bank, perhaps you shouldn’t even be eating out to begin with. It’s much more cost-effective to purchase groceries and eat at home.
Cyndi Ozaki
Redmond, Wash.
Wanting Superferry responsibility
In Thursday’s letter, “Superferry vote?” by Stan Wright of O‘ahu, he asks the question typically from a Honolulu perspective: Why not have the people vote on whether they want the Superferry or not? That’s missing the whole point of why many Neighbor Island people were opposed to the Superferry. Even I, as an organizer of boycottsuperferry.org, actually would “want” a ferry, if it had its true environmental safeguards in place and it went through the proper tests. As it is, the owners of the Superferry did everything in their power to manipulate the process of true examination of their venture that will affect generations to come.
The Superferry company is downright reckless in its disregard, and it had a corrupt administration walking hand in hand with them.
How could Superferry, under a conscious, responsible ownership truly wishing to serve the good of all operate?
Do an honest, full EIS before continuing.
Run seasonally outside of winter whale season, or slow to half its current speed during those months.
Be transparent in its intent — lobbying the Department of Defense heavily to pay for military loading ramps to its boats to transport heavy armament, ain’t really meant for commercial pleasure trips for wheelchaired gandmas, now is it?
Dear readers, it ain’t a question of “wanting” Superferry or not, it’s wanting responsibility/true kuleana for a project that can surely do irreparable harm if left unchecked.
Take a vote on who wants a responsible, honest ferry, or an irresponsible, deceptive one, and we can all be in the same understanding, and bring the sunshine in.
John Cragg
Ideas filed away
Sometimes I print out and file away news articles for future reference. I came across one about building community entitled, “Gathering Community input important government task” by Bryan Baptiste, June 18.
Years ago I attended a mayor’s roundtable discussion at a Hilton Hawaiian Village convention. Baptiste was a new mayor then but he immediately impressed the listeners as a “person first” and a government leader second. He stuck out for his island people being more important than himself. Like his article, he wrote important matters dealing with those elements that are essential to keeping the focus and perspectives of leadership in the community.
Since the passing of Mayor Baptiste, there has been an electrical charge and much grandstanding of people running and wanting to do this and that. Many want the power to seek, to understand, or to do. In these stressful times people want to fulfill a destiny, find their inner strength and potential, or achieve balance and fulfillment.
“Power” means a source of energy and a capacity for action. In our consumerist society we have become obsessed with the need to see results in everything we do. What we don’t realize is what is necessary — “not numbers but commitment.” Bodies without commitment accomplish nothing. “More is not always better.”
As for leaders, it makes no difference who is in authority. The power of leadership is the service given to people, whether or not what is stood for is popular. All humans are called to be servant leaders. Communities don’t stay strong because of one person, or government. If a community is going to survive, it must be built on “unity.”
The leader who answers the call to building strong communities together is expected to do the work for all people including giving undivided attention to the poor, vulnerable and disadvantaged communities who are struggling to gain back their dignity from injustices that were done to them.
Genara Buza-Campos
Kapolei, O‘ahu