MANA n The Special Use Shoreline Area at Kinikini ditch will be open for extended days from March 22 to March 30 due to runway repairs at the base. Pacific Missile Range Facility officials recently announced an extension of the
MANA n The Special Use Shoreline Area at Kinikini ditch will be open for extended days from March 22 to March 30 due to runway repairs at the base.
Pacific Missile Range Facility officials recently announced an extension of the special use area to a new location approximately one mile north of the previous boundary. Fishermen and other beachgoers who have access to PMRF’s shoreline can now venture along the shoreline from Kinikini ditch to a sign posted on the berm near the north end of the runway, adding approximately 5,200 feet that have not been available since 9/11.
Coinciding with the new boundary are extended hours available for beach access, which are now 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. These hours will be in effect for both the standard beach access areas and for the special use area when it is available during weekends and holidays when airfield operations are not scheduled.
Parking for the special use area is available at Kinikini ditch parking area. As with all beach access at PMRF, the new extended shoreline is available to foot traffic only, and users are required to walk the shoreline and not use the berm or the runway to traverse the area.
These activities are available for people who normally have access to PMRF, as well as Recreation Pass holders. For more information on the Recreation Pass program, please call 335-7936.