announces teen-driven initiative in self-betterment by THE GARDEN ISLAND HONOLULU n The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs announced this week its 2007-2008 LifeSmarts Competition. LifeSmarts is a free consumer education competition open to teens in grades nine through 12.
announces teen-driven initiative in self-betterment
HONOLULU n The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs announced this week its 2007-2008 LifeSmarts Competition.
LifeSmarts is a free consumer education competition open to teens in grades nine through 12. The competition tests students on their knowledge of personal finance, health and safety, the environment, technology, and consumer rights and responsibilities.
Teams can sign up and compete online from Sept. 17 to Jan. 20. At the end of the online competition, the top scoring teams will be invited to compete at the state competition on March 1 in Honolulu. The winning team will go on to represent Hawai‘i at the national competition in Minneapolis, Minnesota, April 12-15. “LifeSmarts provides teens with the opportunity to learn critical life skills,” DCCA Director Larry Reifurth said in a prepared statement. “Students who participate in the competition will have a better understanding of their consumer rights and responsibilities.”
“LifeSmarts will complement any high school curriculum and can be used as a learning activity for classes, groups, clubs, and community organizations,” LifeSmarts State Coordinator Jackie Choy said.
Coaches can enter more than one team — however, only one team from each school or organization can qualify for the state competition. All teams must have an adult sponsor or coach to participate.
Registration can be done online at Anyone interested in forming a team or becoming a sponsor should contact LifeSmarts State Coordinator Jackie Choy at 586-2760 for more information or for a free coach’s guide.
LifeSmarts is sponsored by DCCA and is run by the National Consumers League. Local partners include the Better Business Bureau of Hawai‘i and the Hawaii Credit Union League. To learn more, go to