Kaua‘i County Police Commission 8 a.m., Monday Lihu‘e Civic Center • Matters related to hiring a new police chief, including the holding of an executive session in which two candidates, Gerald Mines, Darryl Perry, and another candidate will be interviewed.
Kaua‘i County Police Commission
8 a.m., Monday
Lihu‘e Civic Center
• Matters related to hiring a new police chief, including the holding of an executive session in which two candidates, Gerald Mines, Darryl Perry, and another candidate will be interviewed.
Kaua‘i Planning Commission Subdivision Committee Meeting
8 a.m., Tuesday
Lihu‘e Civic Center
Tentative subdivision action for a two-lot subdivision in Kukui‘ula for Bernice A. Kubota, a two-lot consolidation in Kapa‘a Homesteads for Take Yamashiro, Kenji Yamashiro and Sue Ann Takata, a two-lot boundary adjustment in ‘Ele‘ele for June Case and A&B Properties and an 11-lot subdivision in Kalaheo for E. Andrew Matyas.
• Final subdivision action for a 43-lot subdivision in Puhi from Grove Farm.
Kaua‘i Planning Commission
9 a.m., Tuesday
Lihu‘e Civic Center
• Annual report related to approved permits for the Kaua’i Lagoons project in Lihu‘e, bill from Mayor Bryan Baptiste proposing a moratorium on agricultural subdivisions, request for permits from Kauai Care for expansion of a care facility in Waimea and a bicycle and pathway section along the Kapa‘a and Kealia coastline.
Kaua‘i Planning Commission Public Hearing
1:30 p.m., Tuesday
Lihu‘e Civic Center
• Requests for permits from Starwood Vacation Ownership Pacific to develop a time—share project within the Sheraton Hotel in Po‘ipu.
• Proposal by the state Department of Transportation to reconstruct the Wailua River Cane Haul Bridge.
• Proposal by Wal-Mart to expand its store in Lihu‘e.
Kaua‘i County Council’s Community Assistance/Intergovernmental Relations Committee
9 a.m., Tuesday
Historic County Building
• Fourth workshop on housing policy for Kaua‘i County.
Kaua‘i County Council Committee
9 a.m., Tuesday
Historic County Building
• Discussion on the bicycle and pedestrian pathway, seawall fronting Pono Kai Condominium Project in Kapa‘a and transient vacation rental and holding of an executive session on the matter.
Kaua‘i Workforce Investment Board
Noon to 2 p.m., Aug. 15
Lihu‘e Civic Center
• Status of agreements for 2007, review of the budgets of service providers, authorization of an executive committee to take action on budgets, the Kaua‘i Employment Initiative Pilot Project and employer and industry updates.
County Committee on the Status of Women
5 p.m., Aug. 15
Lihu‘e Civic Center
• Submission of new bills, committee reports, progress report on movie venues and a report on Stephanie Castillo and speaker for a movie on cancer “Women’s Health Month.”