Swim clinics Monday at Kaua‘i HS pool
Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen, 2004 World Masters Swimmer of the Year, and her coach Eric Neilsen will be leading a series of swim clinics hosted by Swim Kaua‘i Aquatics, Monday at the Kaua‘i High School pool.
A Freestyle clinic with before-and-after videotaping analysis will take place from 8 a.m. to noon followed by a Multi-Stroke clinic from 1 to 5 p.m.
The clinics are designed to help swimmers swim faster with less effort.
Karlyn also has a new DVD on the market.
“Go Swim Freetyle with Karlyn Pipes-Neilsen” can be previewed, and a taste of the clinic can be experienced by visiting the Web site www.goswim.tv.
Cost for the clinics are $70 per child for each clinic with a discount of $20 if both clinics are taken.
Adult costs are $95 for each clinic with the same discount applying if both clinics are taken.
For more information, or to obtain a registration form, call (808) 331-1766.