• Superferry still not welcome here • Attitude hinders meaningful dialog, solution to problem • MIn support of Jimmy Pflueger • Appalled by litter on Kaua‘i roads • Charter must be changed Superferry still not welcome here Now is a
• Superferry still not welcome here
• Attitude hinders meaningful dialog, solution to problem
• MIn support of Jimmy Pflueger
• Appalled by litter on Kaua‘i roads
• Charter must be changed
Superferry still not welcome here
Now is a good time to state once again that the Superferry is still not welcome on the island of Kaua‘i. The only request of the Kaua‘i ohana — perform a study to determine impact — has been shamelessly ignored and scandalously evaded for, at this present moment now, over three long years.
It so happens that now is also a good time for some other things, as well. Indeed, it’s time for said business representatives to realize things are no longer going to be like they were before. It is time to understand that, effective at this point now, this sole request of the Hawaiian people to the Superferry envoy is no longer open for debate. Make no mistake, there are going to be no Superferry boats on Kaua‘i — as this ‘ohana has been clearly communicating since day one of this bad relationship back in 2004 — without first the completion of a full impact assessment study.
Short of that, see you at the bay, Mr. John Girabaldi and crew. If there’s any room to fit in the bay at all, that is. Prepare to be hit with music.
Jay Dougher
Attitude hinders meaningful dialog, solution to problem
This is a response to Mr. Wells’ letter concerning Ms. Yukimura’s guest viewpoint. First of all, let me say that I was not born here and I definitely have what you call “too light of skin color.”
The article, as I read it, is an attempt to first identify the present situation regarding vacation rentals on this island. Next it goes on to identify some of the impacts it has had on OUR community, that includes me, you and everyone else who lives here. And yes, it even includes the absentee owner.
It then goes on to offer some possible solutions. If you have any disagreements with the actual points made in the article, I am sure that your viewpoint could add to the discussion.
Of course, issues such as these can always be dismissed as a matter of race and ethnic background. It is just this attitude that prevents meaningful dialog and the possibility of a solution. There are plenty of people who will go down that path. Who are these people, Mr. Wells? Perhaps a good look in the mirror will give you a clue.
Gary Mack
In support of Jimmy Pflueger
I am writing this letter in response to several unkind, unjust and inaccurate statements made in our local media about Jimmy Pflueger.
Jimmy Pflueger was born and raised in Hawai‘i and is of part-Hawaiian descent. Much of the land which he occupies has been in his family for generations, owned originally by his grandmother, the late Mary Lucas, and her predecessors. The rest of the property, he purchased from C. Brewer. Jimmy’s intention has been to improve his land by removing much of the non-native overgrowth, which obscured the contours of the land and choked the native plants, and to enhance the natural beauty of the area. He was proud of the beauty he felt he had created.
I have known Jimmy Pflueger since I was a teenager. Mr. Pflueger’s wife and children are my cousins. I know that Mr. Pflueger does not wish injury on anyone. Jimmy Pflueger was not responsible for the terrible rain we had in 2006, and I, for one, do not hold him responsible for the failure of the Kaloko Dam. Certainly, he was not responsible for the water level in the dam, and he did not own the rights to the water.
Years prior to the failure of the dam, Kilauea Irrigation had sold the water rights, in a sale approved by the state PUC, to someone who was unable to maintain the dam. There are documents showing that Mr. Pflueger complained about the leaks from the dam as early as 2001.
As a resident of Koloa/Po‘ipu, I am in the direct path of Waita Reservoir, if it should fail. During this same period of heavy rains, the residents of Koloa actually had a flood meeting, at which the officials from state and local government spoke to us and answered our questions. Perhaps the residents of the Kaloko Dam area should do the same, instead of scapegoating Mr. Pflueger after the fact?
No one really knows what happened, but it seems that this terrible tragedy occurred as the result of a combination of failures: the State of Hawai‘i’s failure to inspect the dam adequately; and the failure of all persons responsible for the proper functioning of the dam, including residents who should have been aware of the water levels behind the dam, especially in the face of unusually persistent and heavy rains. We should let the courts decide where fault lies if indeed there is any.
As a kama‘aina, who was born and raised in the gentle, forgiving Hawaiian culture, I have always been proud of the way people in Hawai‘i treat each other. I hope that the people who have come to our island from other places can learn to treat each other with the kind of aloha that I grew up with.
Carol Ann Davis
Appalled by litter on Kaua‘i roads
Attn: Mayor Baptiste,
Driving around our beautiful island I am appalled and embarrassed by the amount of litter and garbage that accumulates along the side of our roads.
I have no idea how many prisoners our county jail houses at one time, but I know it’s a substantial number as I see them outside in the courtyard or on their volleyball court almost every day.
Most of them are being held for nonviolent crimes and pose very little threat to the people on the outside, so why not let them get their exercise by helping to cleanup our Garden Island? I know they do this on O‘ahu as well as throughout much of the Mainland, why not here? I think this would be considered community service and would be a step in the right direction in the inmates’ rehabilitation and paying off their debt to society.
In addition, I would like to see our law enforcement officers citing people for litter offenses. This island is supported by tourism and as I stated before, the condition of our roads and traffic problems along with our growing litter problems are going to adversely affect tourism to our beautiful island if something isn’t done soon to address these issues.
Bob Palmer
Charter must be changed
Attn: Bob Louis
Even if both of us want to recall those whom you want to recall, you would find out we cannot. The Kauai County Charter, Chapter 27 allows only recalling officers with 4-year terms. Nice try. Did not work. I hope that we will see ya at the Charter Commission meetings …. change the charter with a 75 percent voter approval rate ….. then find ourselves in the Supreme Court (again).
Remember this is the county where the following statement was born: “We can do whatever we want to, and if you don’t like it, sue us. BTW we have more taxpayers’ money than you have.”
Richard Stauber