“Sing a Rainbow” is the title of Kaua‘i Chorale’s May concert, directed by Lois Ricciardi with accompanist Virginia Shepard. The eclectic mix of songs that were chosen for this unique concert all feature “color” in the title or lyrics. They
“Sing a Rainbow” is the title of Kaua‘i Chorale’s May concert, directed by Lois Ricciardi with accompanist Virginia Shepard. The eclectic mix of songs that were chosen for this unique concert all feature “color” in the title or lyrics. They include the blues harmony of “Mood Indigo,” a cowboy oldie called “Yellow Rose of Texas,” and haunting ballad “Fields of Gold.”
“There are many colorful renditions of favorite songs to sing along,” writes Ricciardi.
Special guest performers include Dan Spriggs on percussion, and Alexander Causey playing “Blue Bells of Scotland” on bagpipes. Kaua‘i Chorale includes some 90 resident vocalists, with an age range of 11 to mid-80s.
“We’re very excited for this performance and we hope Kaua‘i will join us under the rainbow, for an enjoyable evening of song and entertainment,” said Ricciardi.