Annette Hashimoto was visiting Inaham and saw some silver jewelry. Actually, that’s the talk that was circulating in Fairyland (have to figure out how to dress up for Girls Day) where Da Marys started everything. But how does 36 noises
Annette Hashimoto was visiting Inaham and saw some silver jewelry. Actually, that’s the talk that was circulating in Fairyland (have to figure out how to dress up for Girls Day) where Da Marys started everything. But how does 36 noises make one yard?
Coming out of the Health and Career Fair at Kapa‘a Middle School (hats off to counselors Don Long, Jonel Elias and Vivian Walker on a great job!), Theresa Tacbian, Amanda Higa and Aunty ‘Net wanted to show off their Edjumacational Fundraiser for Alf (haven’t figured out that one yet) so, it was off to a dark corner at the school where there was supposed to be hanneburgahs, but all that was there was chocolate cake.
With that kind of excitement, who had time to check out Kenny Ishii to see what new things he put on the menu at the Ono Family Restaurant. Anyway, there’s until late March for Aunty ‘Net to try and figure out some new vocabulary to add to the blackboard. Need to make sure and drain the brain before the Kapa‘a home game.
Happy birthday to Linda Gonsalves at the Kapa‘a Elementary School library who has the same birthday as Dr. Seuss. Great job in organizing the Project 236 event, Dora Hong and all the Kapa‘a El staff … Richard Edgeworth is dying to get to the track, but said he won’t make it until a couple more weeks.
But coach Dave Walker recovered from the Capt. Cook Capers and was on hand at the jump pit, and thanks to coach Kaleo Saiki for the news on the 10-7 Kaua‘i baseball win over Lahainaluna in a pre-season game.