• Won’t be 50 stories s • She said, she said … • Process was a breeze • Crazies behind the wheel Won’t be 50 stories I would like to go on record as saying that I am in favor
• Won’t be 50 stories s
• She said, she said …
• Process was a breeze
• Crazies behind the wheel
Won’t be 50 stories
I would like to go on record as saying that I am in favor of the existing Wal-Mart on Kaua‘i becoming a super Wal-Mart.
One-stop shopping is certainly the way to go on this island with its never-ending traffic jams in all directions and no corrections in sight. To park one’s car in a lot and be able to purchase everything from single-item groceries, to clothing, to furniture and appliances and perhaps have the car’s maintenance work done while shopping makes great sense to me. The vacant land directly behind Wal-Mart is ideal for the expansion including additional parking spaces. This request of Wal-Mart’s is nothing new. It’s been known for many years that they intended to grow in size and many of us have eagerly looked forward to that. Those intentions were talked about long before Costco was given the approval to build and open its doors here. Being a family of two senior adults Costco doesn’t interest me. I will not pay $50 to be able to purchase items in bulk and then be required to use their American Express Credit Card to pay for the items.
For many of the island’s families that type of store serves their needs, however, Wal-Mart allows me to use any credit card that I have and that way I can build air mileage by using certain cards.
I like that.
I would urge the Kauai Planning Commission, the Kauai County Council and the mayor of Kaua‘i to allow us to have the type of store that would benefit so many of us. We’re not asking for a 50-story building, mayor, as you suggested to me might happen if we allow this Wal-Mart expansion to occur. You know perfectly well that no building may be higher than the tallest palm tree. Speaking of palms of a different sort, many of us wonder from time to time whose palms are being greased and by whom when some of these building permit decisions are made. Will a super Wal-Mart stop me from ever shopping at Safeway and Foodland in Kapa‘a? Certainly not, but only when it’s necessary to pick up one or two items. I truly beg any and all of you who have the authority to allow Wal-Mart to become a super Wal-Mart to please do so. Remember Wal-Mart has been a very good and generous friend to this island of Kaua‘i, supporting both the keiki and kupuna population in their fundraising endeavors. I hope Kaua‘i’s officials will now hold out a welcome hand to Wal-Mart and grant their request.
Gini Stoddard
She said, she said …
In her thoughtful letter to the editor (“Communists in Kauai,” Letters, Feb. 2) Bertha Akane wrote:
“After reading Kristi Stephens’ letter to the editor (“Undermined,” Letters, Jan. 30) I couldn’t help but laugh. She all but accused the Kauai County Planning Commission of being communists for their 5-2 vote to limit the size of big box retail stores on Kaua‘i.”
According to the World Book Dictionary, the definition of communism is: “A political, social, and economic system in which the state, governed by an elite party, controls production, labor, and distribution, and, largely, the social and cultural life and thought of the people.”
The definition of fascism is: “Any system of government in which property is privately owned, but all industry and labor are regulated by a strong national government.”
The definition of capitalism is: “An economic system in which private individuals or groups of individuals own land, factories, and other means of production. They compete with one another to produce goods and services for profit.”
Kristi Stephens
Process was a breeze
Last Tuesday I received the delivery of a motorcycle that was built for me by a shop in Ohio. The build and shipping time took about six months. Needless to say I was really excited when it finally arrived. I uncrated the bike and proceeded to do what little assembly was required in order to get the bike ready to ride. On the following Friday I went to Lihu‘e to get the bike insured, inspected, registered, and licenced. This can be a pretty daunting and time-consuming process that most people never experience because these tasks are handled by the dealers when you buy a vehicale locally. I was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly the process went and how helpful so many people were along the way. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank the folks at State Farm Insurance, Kauai Harley-Davidson, and the ladies who were so patient and friendly at the state tax office and the Kauai Department of Motor Vehicles. Just another reason to feel lucky that I live on Kaua‘i.
Bob Keown
Crazies behind the wheel
Before anybody gets into an uproar this letter is just for fun.
Based on my observations over the last couple of weeks, I believe women are in fact better drivers than men when it comes to multi-tasking behind the wheel. Over the last week I’ve observed some things on the roadway that left me amazed at the talent and skill of Kaua‘i’s motorists. Most men I’ve seen are either on a cell phone, fumbling for that favorite CD, munching on a cheeseburger or excreting testosterone.
Ah, but women have a much wider range of tasks they can perform while driving. The most common, I’ve watched a woman behind me on Kuamo‘o put on lipstick, mascara and brush her hair within 3 miles. I’ve seen a woman reach over the drivers seat to give her infant a feeding bottle and actually turn completely around to look at her baby as she was driving 50 mph in front of the golf course.
I’ve seen one woman putting on makeup and talking on her cell phone at the same time. I have seen a girl put on a sweatshirt while driving and take the time to sip on her soda before she had her shirt completely on.
But not as amazing as this one. On Sunday I came up behind a Honda Civic and watched a young girl braid her hair at 50 to 60 mph from Hanama‘ulu to Kapa‘a with both hands. She was alone in the car. I felt humbled. I can usually dial my cell phone or drink a soda but to drive 9 miles with no hands on the wheel is simply amazing. I know, I know. Some of you are probably wondering why I was watching them instead of watching the road.
Like I said, “I’m a guy and my multi-tasking skills are lacking.”
These are just some observations I wanted to share in a lighthearted way. No offense intended.
Steve Shioi