Edward and Alice (Starkey) Brockman of South Chicago Heights, Ill., recently announced the engagement of their daughter Kimberly Brockman to Jason Rapozo, son of Wayne and Stephanie (Rodrigues) Rapozo of Lihu‘e. The bride-to-be attended the University of Illinois-Chicago’s masters program
Edward and Alice (Starkey) Brockman of South Chicago Heights, Ill., recently announced the engagement of their daughter Kimberly Brockman to Jason Rapozo, son of Wayne and Stephanie (Rodrigues) Rapozo of Lihu‘e.
The bride-to-be attended the University of Illinois-Chicago’s masters program in forensic science and received a bachelor’s of science degree in chemistry from Millikin University, Decatur, Ill. She is a criminalist with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department.
The future groom attended Kaua‘i Community College and graduated from Kaua‘i High School. He is a police officer with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. The couple have planned an Oct. 20 wedding on Kaua‘i. They will reside in Las Vegas.