• Let’s limit the sizes • Bike path letter on point • Koke‘e entry station bad idea Saylor to the rescue I would like to publicly give my thanks to Daniel Saylor for the selfless act he did for me
• Let’s limit the sizes
• Bike path letter on point
• Koke‘e entry station bad idea
Saylor to the rescue
I would like to publicly give my thanks to Daniel Saylor for the selfless act he did for me last Tuesday evening (“North Shore rescue quite a feat,” Jan. 11). He says he does not want any thanks, but I cannot stop thinking about and reliving the terrifying event that was happening to me that day at Ke‘e Beach. He was the only one of a beach full of people that was able to help me (and he was on crutches). It felt like an eternity out there fighting the endless waves, I did not know which way to go to get out of that watery trap.
I was praying for God to send an angel and he did. Daniel may not think he’s an angel but God did and I do too. Your act of kindness was a blessing to my entire family and will never be forgotten.
Thank you isn’t enough for what you did. We will be forever grateful.
Debra Buie
Merced, Calif.
Going in circles
In response to the letter by Robert and Petrina Britt (“We want the track back,” Letters, Jan. 12), I would like to clarify some misconceptions. Kauai Motocross Association, Inc. (KMXA) was founded in March 2006.
The organization was founded by Kaua‘i motocross riders and parents in hopes of adding more opportunities to the motocross community for both the more serious competitive riders and those who just want to have fun. It was never the intention of KMXA to override, take over or stage a coup of the existing Wailua Track, or the existing motocross organization, Kauai Motocross Riders Association (KMRA).
The intention of KMXA was to support the sport of motocross, to enhance the safety of the sport and provide opportunities for additional races on Kaua‘i, including AMA sanctioned races. The main focus of KMXA is to be part of the development of a possible track on 18 acres of state and county land located mauka of Wailua. This property was proposed to Kaua‘i motocrossers by the County of Kaua‘i in 2005. In a vote by KMRA members, the majority of voters decided not to pursue the 18-acre parcel, which led to the forming of KMXA by motocross supporters who did have an interest.
In October 2006 KMXA issued a permit request to the county recreation department to operate 11 races at the existing Wailua track. Due to the fact that no documentation for the operation of the Wailua motocross track was on file, the county closed the Wailua track and requested that both organizations complete the proper documents needed to hold events (races) on county property.
The county meeting held on Jan. 9 with both parties, KMRA and KMXA, was to review the list of documents needed to hold such events at the Wailua track and to discuss the proposed race schedules. At this meeting, Kip Furugen, president of KMRA, shared his concern of the track being closed and his concern for the use of the track on non-race weekends/days, such as Saturdays and Sundays, which are considered practice days and free riding for the motocross riders.
KMXA added to such concern and stated that KMRA should be able to continue to facilitate and manage the Wailua Track on such days.
The only intention of KMXA was to hold the proposed 11 races (one weekend per month) and not facilitate and/or manage the track during any other times. The terms could not be agreed upon during the meeting, and in return KMXA informed the county that the track should remain under the supervision of KMRA and assured the county that KMXA does not have concern nor is it in conflict with KMRA.
It is disheartening that such false information has been given to the members of KMRA and the motocross community at-large. For the record, the founders of KMXA are also members of KMRA, strong supporters of the sport of motocross, and like most motocrossers, just want to ride and race.
As of Jan. 9, KMXA has withdrawn its proposal to the county for the 11 proposed races at the Wailua Track.
Ron Victorino Jr.
President, KMXA
Taking the good with the Bush
So our esteemed visitor Mr. Tarak Kauff (“Party politics no help,” Letters, Jan. 13) never left Woodstock, N.Y., is unhappy about George Bush, wants him impeached and is bowing to Teddy Kennedy, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi and their comrades.
So what’s our new direction, Mr. Kauff? Regardless of what we feel about Iraq, what else will you and your wonderful, flaming liberal leaders change to make our country better?
Perhaps we should look at what’s right with America and work backwards, which you’re obviously in favor of doing. Which of these would you like to “change,” Mr. Kauff?
The stock market’s at an all-time high.
Unemployment is at a 25-year low.
Taxes are at 20-year lows.
Federal tax revenues are at all-time highs.
The deficit is down 50 percent from the Democrat predictions of 2005.
Home values are up over 200 percent from 31/2 years ago.
Inflation is in check and at a 20-year low.
Osama bin Laden is hiding under a rock.
Saddam Hussein and 95 percent of his mass murderers are dead.
We’ve made wonderful progress in Afghanistan and its people are free.
Libya gave up its very sophisticated nuke programs without firing a shot.
Democratic elections have been held in several Middle Eastern countries for the first time in history.
We haven’t had a single terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11.
But enough is enough! Let’s impeach Bush and hasten the “change” mantra agenda from Mr. Kauff’s leaders.
Of course, unless our president’s veto power stops it, under the new liberal regime’s agenda the economy will go south, illegals will go north, taxes will go up, employment will go down, terrorism will come in, tax breaks will be out, Iraq will be lost and the Middle East will internally explode to crisis levels only a liberal will be able to explain away.
However, we can gain some comfort knowing we will have a new Gay Rights Plan, Same Sex Marriage Plan, Abortion on Demand Plan, National Security Plan, Health Care Plan, $100-an-Hour Minimum Wage Plan, No More Katrina Storm Plan, Immigration Reform Plan, Tolerance of Everyone and Everything Plan (which will be adapted from the French Plan by the same name) and a How Everyone Can Become as Wealthy as We Are Plan.
I feel rejuvenated! We can all sleep so much better at night knowing Mr. Kauff’s liberal politician leaders are thinking of us. By golly, let’s impeach Bush now and give the liberal wisdom, or lack thereof, a chance to blossom immediately! Good news indeed.
Gordon Oswald
Importing dissent
What, we don’t have enough rabid, vocal Bush-bashers here on Kaua‘i that you have to import tirades from the Mainland?
Susan Straight